Domination Game

Not posted too much over the last week – been a little busy, away from home for a couple of days and missing ideas for things to post. And a little caught up in games too 🙂

Warcraft has been my main game for the past few months, with occasional sojourns into Master of Orion 2 for a bit of Galactic Domination. However, there’s a phenomenon I call “just-70-depression” that tends to hit people. Warcraft has an experience system called “levelling”, where as you play your character gets experience. As they gain more levels, they can wear better equipment and they hit harder.

Just one problem … There’s a level cap. You can take the character up to level 70 but no further. Until Blizzard (maker of Warcraft) come out with an expansion pack that is … There’s one of those coming next month and I’m really not sure if I’ll buy it this time. (Yeah right – I’ll have a pre-order in when I get the interest in WoW back). Up to 70, you can explore the rich world that Blizzard created for WoW, getting variation from going through the different areas. At maximum level, it’s repetition time …

I’ve reactivated my sub in another game now – Eve this time. Eve is a space game, still massively multiplayer and allows a much slower, more relaxed pace. WoW is a lot more immediate in comparison. You can’t totally fall asleep in Eve but at least it’s not twitch gaming like most others. There’s no level cap either in Eve, a character keeps on learning different skills so they can fly different ships, shoot different guns or make different items.

Anyway – all the above is deja vu from a couple of years ago – I tend to switch between games to suit what I’m interested in at the time. Bit of twitch gaming – Warcraft. Galactic Domination – Moo2. Wargame with ZZZZs – Settlers IV. Relaxed multiplayer space – back to Eve.

Oh – I mentioned I was out of town for a couple of days. I was up norf in Glasgow on business, which was nice – change of scenery is always good. Joked with the girls on the hotel front desk about stalkers, not had one of those for a while and I kinda miss it. Was a bit knocked out though for a couple of days after. Think one of the bugs I’ve been carrying got some revenge on me.

I don’t tend to have sick days, even though my diet is something that would make a nutritionist recoil in horror. Or rather, I’ll keep plodding along not allowing anyone to see just how much I might be suffering at any one time. But what keeps me going is things like having Miss A ask me how my weekend was as she’s walking past my desk.

Right – time to grab some food, get ready for having the Grand Prix delayed coverage on in the background and maybe sneak a quick mission in before it starts … And update the A to Z challenge on my disused other blog with another book read 🙂