Elitecember Day 30 – Credits

Hello everyone,

Day 30 !

Today’s theme is credits, which in the Elite universe is money. Everything revolves around the credits, although you can’t actually buy everything in the game with credits. You have to go out and find Stuff.

Picture ?

Couldn’t resist. Especially as I get to eat the chocolate coins later.

A different clook from a closer angle.

Yep – everything revolves around the credits and the commodities range from an ultra cheap 9 credits for a tonne of water up to almost 1.7m credits to sell a tonne of Void Opals. You have to go out to find and mine the Void Opals, which is something I have in mind to do in a future ship. I need to mine 500 tonnes worth of Stuff and 500 tonne of Void Opals will be worth a fair bit.

My current ship, the Odo’s Courage would cost 113.5m credits to buy again. (Here’s a link to the fit). I had a bit of mission running today, which got me another Empire rank with another to follow when I get the right mission, raised I believe another 10m (Inara is being a bit slow to update).

Here’s how the credits and assets have accumulated since I restarted at the end of April :

There are a few weird blips up and down there where Inara has to catch up to where it’s done imports of the data but apart from that, it’s been a happy steady upwards climb there. The blip before July was a shorter exploration trip in the Searching for Tea :

And the blip upwards around August saw me returning from a trip halfway around the galaxy in the Chrissa’s New Potato :

I had to abandon that particular route because the Potato didn’t have the jump range to visit a very tough to reach star but that ship did really well for me.

And onwards we go. I gotta get back to a cooling pizza :-D.