Is something that’s hit World of Warcraft at the moment. Kinda like a Christmas thing.
Anyway, one of the new seasonal things they’ve put in is a quest describing the history behind the Feast of Winter Veil. It has you taking a book from one city to another. Most people won’t read that book, which means potential Easter Eggs !
What’s just made me laugh is the final page :
“Modern Day Observation
Other cultures have begun to recognize the Feast of Winter Veil as a time of great celebration, though not in the same traditions as the legend bases it in. Customs, often unrelated to anything other than a chance for celebration and gift exchange have made their way into modern day observation of the season. Even the image of Greatfather Winter is sometimes use, but more as a harbinger of commercial exploit rather than as a supernatural titan.”
Yes folks, Santa Claus does exist, he’s standing in front of the Orgrimmar Auction House at the moment.