Film night

We’d not done one of these for a while because most of the interesting films on at the cinema seems to be 3d only these days. Last night was a good opportunity for the Crazie mob to get some much needed chill out with pizza + movies.

Off to the Craziequeen’s place then :

First up – Perfect Sense.

I gotta say it right at the top – I wouldn’t recommend this movie to anyone … It’s an End Of The World tale, where people are gradually losing their senses. First is taste, with other senses following later. Interspersed with the loss of sense are bouts of intense feeling : Grief, hunger, rage.

Not my type of movie though. But it did tell me one thing : my bum is better than Ewan McGregor’s 🙂

Second – Tucker and Dale versus Evil

Better movie – it’s a take on the horror slasher hillbilly and college kids in a camp movie. The stars are Alan Tudyk (of A Knight’s Tale and Firefly/Serenity), Tyler Labine and Katrina Bowden, who turn what could have been fairly ordinary into a lot of fun.

Enjoyed this one, I’d consider buying it if the blu-ray got cheap.

Aside – I’m converted over to blu-rays now although I’ll buy dvd’s of series if they didn’t get shot in HD. But … I buy less blu-rays than I used to get dvd’s because the price point is still higher than I’d like to pay. It’s not an affordability thing, more a getting ripped-off thing.

Lastly – Bunraku

This one got the attention early and held it throughout. It has a certain style about it, lots of use of colour and smart set design. It’s a child of digital composite imaging too, with transitions between scenes leaning heavily on computer graphics to tell the story.

Impressive film. Lots of action here and in its own distinctive style which makes it memorable. I may well add it to the collection soon. I bet if RCA watched it, she’d be dialling up Amazon to order it by halfway through.

And on top of all that was pizza provided by our Craziequeen. Twas a good night in all.

Off work today – I’m using one of my annual leave “jokers”. After Easter leave is taken into account, I have 2.5 days left of annual leave until the end of April which I’m keeping in reserve for when I need it. Definitely wanted to use it today as this week has been somewhat uncomfortable due to the old injuries giving me reminders :

Lower back pain leading to sciatica
Upper back stiffness
And other stuff which I hide wherever possible – If I don’t acknowledge it to myself, I can deal with it better and make it less of a distraction. A consequence of that is that other people don’t realize when I’m struggling except when it surprises me and makes me go OW.

So – taken a day away today to give me a longer weekend than usual. I’ll not loaf for the whole weekend (will do tomorrow for sure as there’s cricket on), there’s a few errands I need to do today which will get me out of the house later.

PS I had a run going that went to posting on 17 consecutive days – don’t think I’ve ever done that before. Glad I did too, hope there wasn’t too much filler garbage in there to wade through. But I’m glad I did all that posting as I think it’s beaten some of the Wall Of Text tendency out of me.