Hot, too hot

It’s still hot over here.

It’s not Greece or tropical type heat, the car tells me it was 28 degrees C yesterday. But combined with the conditions in our offices, it’s uncomfortable. We don’t have air con, more like air recirculation. And it doesn’t work particularly well. If all it’s achieving is moving warm air from one place to another place, it doesn’t make for good conditions to work in.

Our contractor’s place is better. I take a jumper with me when I go over there. I get funny looks 🙂

But I get funny looks anyway. Latest today was a Cunning Plan I was especially proud of (it worked). We move our documents around in plastic packing crates and you really don’t want to be lugging those without something with wheels to push them around on. Anyway. Things With Wheels are in short supply. So I went scrounging. And found the most contrary computer desk on our site.

Seriously. It was more interested in going in circles than straight lines. But it did the job. Both of getting my crate upstairs without killing my back and in starting off the idea with the new team : “Pete’s Mad”.

I like to encourage that idea as much as possible. The mad spontaneous unorthodox side of me offsets the slow boring orthodox.

Hey – moving day wasn’t supposed to be the theme of this post.

Yeah – it’s gone warm out at the moment. Warm inside too, although it’s actually quite comfortable in the house at the moment. I’ve turned off the main PC so it’s not contributing its own heat to the house. There’s decent airflow through the house, the absence of which is why work is uncomfortable.

This is a plea really – look after yourselves ! And that’s coming partly from watching the latest Dodger Coffeh Time vid.

Plenty of fluids. Eat properly. Keep aware of when you need to take it easy. Sunstroke is nasty …

I have a game tomorrow and need to take care through the day to avoid how bad I got during/after the first game. I never mentioned that did I ? While we were fielding, I was suffering from a lot of acid tummy. I put that down to first game nerves at the time but it was quite possibly : hunger. Anyway. Not pleasant controlling that when you’re trying to run full pelt around the field.

After the game – I was having trouble getting my muscles moving. I nearly blacked out a few times before bed (the fading vision like what Dodger had). But. I may be frail but I’m tough when I need to be. I wouldn’t let a team down. I shut down into a kind of survival mode where I will just … keep … going. I will pay attention to the lessons though so tomorrow :

Eat properly !!!!
One side effect of the diet is that having lost weight, I don’t have as much reserves to call upon (a small price to pay for having SPEED!). What caught me in that first game is that, having been training all day, I’d been unable to control what I ate. I didn’t get enough food and ran out of energy later.

Drink lots
Key when it’s hot. Especially when you sweat too much like I do. I really haven’t been drinking enough over the past few days, so I’ve been suffering more than I ought.

Loosen the tie …
Ok. This is something I need to do. My tie at work is my flag of professionalism. A home time ritual is to undo top button and loosen it. Rituals are important to me – do the ritual, start to relax. (Spot OCD). But because it’s so hot and uncomfortable, I should really be going tie-less at work too.

But yeah – look after yourselves. Be sensible with what you try and do. Being active gets you warm. Try to relax. Wear a Big Floppy Hat to shade the sun. If your body tells you to get shade, have food or drink something – listen !

Chill out dude !

PS I have a few posts stacked up for things I’ll natter about – Skyrim review, Lexus CT +6months review, brainzzzzz (not Zombies, that’s just my brain melting), BuildtheEnterprise project. But not now. Saving my Deep Thought for work hours at the moment.