Week off this week ! Hurrah
Looking to stay off my feet as much as I can get away with and generally take it e-z. Looking for the various niggles to settle down, so I can get back into haring around a cricket field like a mad thing. Also looking to get the brain recharged so I can plan what I do instead of just reacting to the next firefight task.
Went up to see the parents on the weekend, sister was there too. Bit of a whirlwind weekend, definitely with some strangeness cos the sister was the one fixing my dad’s laptop and not me ! It’s another Acer, which has been very sturdy over its mebbe 3.5 year life but has been slowing down lately. It’s another victim of Kaspersky … Which has now been removed. It’s a dog eat dog world in the area of computer software and if one company’s product disappoints, well there’s plenty of other companies out there gagging to sell you stuff.
So Kaspersky has been ditched due to issues with its IS 2010 product (false alarm reports are not good if non-IT people see them) and because it’s another of those products that gets in the way. Avira is on there now and the laptop is a little quicker again. Still 3 and a half years ain’t bad. There’s only one sign of hardware failure and that’s a flickering screen. I’d buy Acer, as shown by me tapping this post out on an Acer laptop. (Which is a turnaround, as Acer Labs hit my Blacklist after disappointments with a previous motherboard)
We went up this weekend cos we were going to see Yorkshire play Notts at Trent Bridge. That’s only about an hour away from where my mum & dad live, not too far at all. The best cricket matches are close run things, where from start to finish you don’t have a clue who will win. This wasn’t one of those, as Yorkshire’s batting got blown away by good bowling quite early.
Our side lost … but that was ok cos – I got to shake the Hand Of Bumble ! Spotted the legend that is ex England batsman and Sky commentator David Lloyd making his way around the ground. Called over “Good afternoon sir, we’ve just been listening to you on the car radio” (which we had !) And the proffered hand was duly shaken.
Made my day
Right – I fell asleep last night wishing I could spend more time in my current Jack Campbell book (finished Turtledove no 4 – finally…), it’s nigh on time to get back to it accompanied by the first of what’s going to be a LOT of iTunes listening.