Hello everyone,
I had an away trip over the weekend … It was for an event called Creator North, run by the ever bouncy adorable bundle of fun that is Tashnarr, the effervescent Billietrixx, the lovely LookitsTilly and Maddog, assisted with the cameras by Brookie.
I don’t have many pictures of the event itself (was enjoying talking to people a bit too much) but … the weekend involved a bit of wander around Sheffield and this fella happened :

Links time ? Lots of links. The event itself has a home here : https://creatornorth.uk/#page-top
It’s an event that came about to be a gathering point for creators who weren’t able to make it to other events. Almost all of the creator events that happen in the UK are concentrated around London, or maybe a bit of Scotland’s two cities too. There are events at Birmingham NEC but most of them, like the Twitch events and the EGX gaming expo have moved to London. That’s less than ideal for a lot of people. Actually including me and I live in the South too. So our fab foursome set up Creator North as a meet up for creators living in the North of the UK.
And although I’m South and it was 180 miles away for me, I thought I’d take the chance to meet these wonderful people and add that little bit of support to the day. I’m really glad I did too, it was a very enjoyable little event. Cozy and still with a lot of lovely people.
So who were the organisers ?
There’s Tashnarr (Twitch link), who doesn’t stream so much now but it’s always fun when she can find the time outside of organising other events. Tashnarr is an adorable little bean and it’s been a treat to be able to follow those streams. Although there is that … guilt? feeling (not sure it’s guilt) where you missed out on so much of their earlier content due to just simply not knowing about them. You might also recognise the name from such things as …

That’s Zoomnarr, the ship which was my third attempt at speed running to the Galactic Core in Elite Dangerous. I do like to do tribute names for people with my spaceships (it gives me an excuse to say nice things about them). Zoomnarr was the second ship named for Tashnarr after the rather weakly named Grabnarr and then the rather better named Manic Minarr followed. It’s a sign of how high I regard this lovely one that three tribute ships happened 😀 (Oh and I thought of Manic Minarr and that pun had to happen).
Next one up is Billietrixx (twitch link again), I’ve only been following Billie for apparently 9 months now (that’s how long the Twitch sub has run) and found her through raiding into Tashnarr’s channel and Tash raiding into Billie. That’s how most of the cross connections happen, people you like raiding other people that they like. (When a streamer finishes, they’ll raid over to another channel to give their audience someone fun to continue watching) Billie another one who brings her own special energy to the streams, it’s mad, maybe a little manic but always passionate about the game and enjoying the game with chat. Pleasure to watch, fun to natter to via stream chat. And a lovely one to introduce the event to everyone on Saturday.
It was a pleasure chatting with Billie, Tashnarr and we need to mention LookitsTilly (Twixxer link) who organises events, is a lovely Twitch mod and was also a pleasure to talk to on Saturday. And then there’s Maddog (Twixxer link), if you play any of the Guitar Hero type games, you may be using his song request bot …
And I also got to meet Bentham again, aka Mangledpork (here’s his Twitch). He’s a lovely gent, I’ve been steadily realising that me and him resemble each other a lot (if not in appearance, there’s a picture on the Creator North discord of Bentham accidentally looking way more dapper than I ever will). Bentham likes his factory and crafting games. He’s currently playing Valheim and I so nearly would be watching now if not for another new person to me from Creator North called Curlylocks.
When CausticPhoenix finishes up (hi Caustic!) in a minute, I’ll head over to the Curly one. Who’s Caustic ? Here’s the old Twixxer link. Most of the time I see Caustic, she’ll be hosting a working stream but Caustic will also get super passionate and drawn into gameplay streams. So passionate it leads to super excitable (and hilarious) clip moments for victories, scares and the unexpected. Caustic has a few fingerprints on this blog too after dropping in a few comments, hugely appreciated. I need to get back to applying some more of those comments too. Constant improvement is always good.
So, that was Creator North ! Lovely meet up, very glad I went up there to Sheffield for it. Would totally do it again. Hopefully they can put another one on soon.
Other things about the trip ? I could do without the behaviour on the roads at the moment, Friday saw a lot of inexplicable stop start traffic. Like the outside lane suddenly just stopping … That’s supposed to be the fast lane. Other drivers will also make it awkward for you to get past, by speeding up as you’re going past them. They’ll be doing (I’m being charitable) 60, you’re going past at the 70 speed limit, they’ll speed up to match you. And worse behaviour. I don’t get it, drivers shouldn’t get involved with other drivers like that. I like to think of my awareness as a box of 9 (3 by 3, you’re in the centre) when I’m driving. When people go outside of that box, I don’t care about them any more unless they’ve identified themselves for special attention. And then I’ll keep an eye out for shenanigans.
But yeah, behaviour on the roads is poor, mostly because other drivers seem to insist on getting the better of other drivers. I really don’t get it.
Hotel for the weekend was Novotel. It was a nice room with all the facilities (that I don’t use, just had water) plus secure parking. Staff were nice, full of smiles. But … I think I got overcharged for breakfast and parking (double charge for 2 nights stay), which is what I’ll remember of Novotel. There are other chains, I’ve never been overcharged on the work trips with the other chains.
Sheffield was a good city to have a wander around. It’s a little odd in that the main shopping areas are split. Most cities have their shopping area all clustered around one place. Moor Market was a good one to check out, plus there was a festival with a stand with the Rescue Dwagon you can see up top.
So that was my weekend ! It was lovely to see everyone at Creator North. Little events are just right for me. Too many people trip something that might be social anxiety ? Dunno there, perhaps it’s splitting attention between so many people.
Anyway, Creator North was great. Oh ! I haven’t mentioned yet ! There was cake.

The cake was lush. The people were lovely. And it was great to meet a bunch of people that I’ve only known from the other side of the screen.