Hello everyone,
Gosh, a whole week’s gone by since the last post. Where did that go ? Gotta admit, I’ve been focusing on work stuff this week and then occasionally having some energy left over in the evenings that’s been part going on the games, part trying to stay relatively active despite having trouble readjusting to work day hours !
(I tend to slip the hours when I’m on leave, so bed at 2am becomes rather normal)
Oh ! Thumbnail time.

Yeah. Could be an internet spaceship heavy post today. Things are happening with work but you know I don’t tend to talk about that too much here for a collection of reasons. Apart from that, been listening to the music, playing the games and having that crazy thought of going round the galaxy again.

This was where I went on the shakedown flight in the new ship, Searching for Pixels. The callsign is FUZZ3H after streamer lady Fuzzyfreaks, which is also where the idea for that particular paint job came from. This one is a Krait Phantom, outfitted for very long exploration runs. It’s almost to the level of Searching for Dragons, which had a 73 light year jump range (occasionally 76), this one can do 70.4 light years in a jump. She’s much more nimble too and there is a lot more visibility from the pilot’s seat.

I think I was going places to finish off the fitting for the ship. (Needed some repair machines to keep the ship happy).
Anyway, this trip is planned to be at least another 200,000 light years and I’ll be looking for pretty places too. Some of them will see me revisiting places I’ve been before. What I’m curious about is seeing what the differences are going to be between what we had before and the new Odyssey graphics (and all of its bugs that are still in the game).
In a very real sense, I’m looking for pixels with this mission and how they have changed in the game since my last exploration trip. (One of those times when a ship name hits you on the nose and sticks as perfect)

The crashed ship there is the Stranded Snake, an Anaconda ship of the same class as the Searching For Dragons that I went around the galaxy in. This is one of the special seeded mystery sites, where we have something custom generated instead of the usually procedurally randomly generated places. In this case, it’s a crashed ship with a rudimentary settlement around it. You can wander around and check out what they’ve added in. See if you can determine what happened.

One major difference is going to be the ability to get into much tighter places than before, due to having that spacesuit available. I’ll be looking forward to checking that out as I explore and seeing what I can find. So that’s one major plus point to the new expansion. A negative is the performance impact of the changes. It’s not as bad as when you’re around civilised bases but there’s still poor frame rates when coming in to land. But I was ok on a hefty 1.9g landing today.

That’s how I logged in today for what ended up being a short session. Bit different in the dark ! I’ve visited the Stranded Snake before and this is how it was back then. One of the bugs in the game at the moment is in the lighting, so when it’s dark … it’s really dark. (Short session partly because my arm didn’t like a couple of long sessions last weekend, plus Fuzzy and Tashnarr are streaming)

The star there is Antares B, a companion to a red super giant star. There’s a screenshot on EDSM showing the two Antares stars together, with them appearing to be the same size on screen despite one being far bigger. (Big star far away, small star close). One of the issues in game is that while I can view the close star :

The super giant star will be around somewhere too … but the lighting bugs mean that it appears black. Hopefully that’s fixed sometime soon although the frequency of patching has slowed drastically (might not be a bad thing, a couple were rushed out too fast). Multi star skies are fun to find. (Pitch Black was a great movie, must watch that again some time).
I’ve got a few interesting spots picked out for visiting as well and the Kamd site (linky) gives ideas for many more. But I’ll hopefully find a few more along the way. For today though …

I had a little look around before looking to set up the next hop but enacted the Stay At Home protocol. It’s a bit toasty there ! Think it was 1200 C on the surface and the spacesuit was complaining. It’s ok inside the ship though.
That’s enough from me for now. Bit of an internet spaceships again ! Not done that much outside of that. I should have more of a look at Alien Isolation.
I’ve been re-reading The Martian. If you enjoyed the film, I would thoroughly recommend reading the book too even if you’re just an occasional reader. It has a good light hearted style and has great explanations for what’s going on, diving down into the detail but presenting it in an understandable way. Oh and there’s a few sections that were removed for time from the movie which make a lot more sense in the book.
Reading is good :-).
Nite all, stay safe, be well.