A highly secretive organisation got in touch and they want me doing things for them. Not quite sure what yet but it’s going to involve a pretty sharp new suit.

Apparently they’re into a diversity kick at the moment and want to bring in all sorts of talent (yes, they said talent!) from outside the normal places. People who would look beyond the normal and see the actual situation, despite what the conditioning and prejudice tells them they’re seeing.
Someone who hears a fellow alien say “It’s not easy being green” and go “Yeah dude, I been there too.” And then go do the obvious thing :

(Picture credit – Teeturtle and there’s ninja diet t-shirt)
Wonder what kind of weird and wonderful pizzas they have ? But yeah, a couple of people appeared a few weeks ago with the offer. They kinda looked like this :

See the familiar car marquee sign there ? Yeah, the latest car is one of their training cars. It’s to get new recruits used to the systems inside the equipment without it having the daft levels of wonderful imported alien technology that the front line agents have access to. Yep. My latest one looks the part but it’s a bit more modest.
Although … they have let me take a spin on one of the rocket bikes …
It went whoosh, which made me happy (see that smile? Happy).
They’ve taken me on the tour already, Jay said hi. I was starstruck. The Worm Guys are back and are being the Worm Guys. Frank the Pug is getting older but still hanging in there (although he said that if we called him adorable, he would bite us). It was a little surprising that things seemed to be business as usual with no immense crisis going on. (A quiet day, although there was a vague memory of a pen and a red light).
I’m wondering how soon it will be before I get given an assignment that sees me out in the field as Agent S, alongside one of the more experienced agents learning the trade from them. Defending the Earth against those who threaten our peace and way of life.
Oh and also keeping the secret safe.
On that note …

I was bursting to tell you all the news, hence writing this post for this special day of the year. But one of my new colleagues is tapping his hand on my wing. He needs you to look into this pen type object and look out for the red light.

Really enjoying the car everyone, it’s great ! Oh and I have next week off work too, which should be great. I need to find some excuses to get out and about around the galaxy seeing the sights, taking in the atmosphere, bathing in that purple sunlight.
See you around. In the meantime,
Stay safe, be well and treat everyone as you would want to be treated, whether they be as you are or a little bit different. Oh and watch out for tentacles, they’re really sensitive you know.