Hello everyone,
It felt like this today when I emerged !

Although a lot of that was self inflicted wounds again after spending maybe an hour too long in Star Trek Online yesterday. I’ve been enjoying that game, despite its short comings.
Every game has shortcomings (I’ve gone from hyped to a Nope for the new Star Wars Squadrons game) but we’ll stay with our favourites because of what they do well. In Star Trek Online’s case, it’s a mix of the starship combat stuff, combined with the Star Trek stuff on the ground. They’ve managed to make it fairly star trekky too, although perhaps more in the Discovery era or DS9 rather than TNG.
However, it has that MMO playstyle again which can wreak havoc with the old injuries I carry and in particular, the shoulder. I felt twinges start up, which I should have listened to … definitely when they were becoming more intense. And then I stay 30 minutes longer than that in the game and I’m paying for that today. Oh well. It’s just moderate pain, which is ok.

I have been greatly enjoying the game though and moved on another 5 levels since that start of the session yesterday.
One thing I haven’t done is use the new Elite internet spaceship for anything more than following the start of Drew Wagar’s latest tour :

There we go. That’s the Icarus Rising, a Mamba class heavy combat ship. I like the design there, there is a huge gun amidships aft, two large guns alongside the cockpit and two little guns up front. They’re all on the top side of the ship, whereas the Fer-de-Lance has its big gun on the lower side. (It means that if you’re chasing someone in a pitching up motion, all guns can be brought to bear). There’s also a huge amount of visibility and the only angle with more than a minimal profile is the top and bottom.
It has great potential …

… to be used for shooting things as well as following Cmdr Wagar down to a planet in loose formation. That was the only time I got into the same instance as the main group though sadly.
And then there’s other ships in a universe long ago and far, far away … which I’ve been ignoring in favour of :

There we go. The ships in the spacedock looked great, no idea what they were though. The one to the lower right looks like an improved Defiant class and I think the upper one is actually two. One has a weird massive nacelle and I think the other has underslung nacelles like the Miranda and Nebula class. Looks like there’s an Ambassador class (Enterprise C) down there too. I’m current in the Constitution class Dragon Spirit :

And the game would give be another ship at level 20. (Unless I gave them money for a special ship but I don’t intend to do that). It is a bit odd though seeing that ship being a main ship in a game that has its main elements start in 2409. The old Enterprise is a bit … ancient there.
Outside of that, cricket watching was curious yesterday with it being the end of the domestic season with the T20 blast finals day, delayed from Saturday due to rain. I don’t intend to watch much IPL. It’s a predatory influence on all cricket, to the cost of the game as a whole. And some of the commentators should not be allowed behind a microphone due to their attitudes. It’s sometimes telling who gets allowed on to the Sky commentary teams here and who aren’t invited back after a guest spell. No, not impressed with much about IPL although English cricket needs to learn from the overseas leagues but not having the finals day months or so away from the main league. Get the competition done in a single block so that the specialist T20 only players can be around for the finals as well as the league, the teams that make it to the finals tend to lose their overseas stars which makes the competition be a bit false.
But there are other issues with the game as well at the moment, although the standard in general has improved since I started with a lot of innovation coming in. I was playing when KP was doing his switch hit (and could play that shot), I’d have been really tempted to try out ramp shots if I was still playing now, if only because pulling those shots off would have hugely amusing consequences for the state of mind of the opposition. If you can knock the opposition out of thinking clearly, then you have an advantage. I used to wear a floppy hat while batting, to give bowlers a target … you could say that the person encouraging bowlers to aim at his head wasn’t the one who was thinking clearly :-D.
And then you shake hands at the end of the game and step away from all the on field psychology stuff.
Landing ? I did a little bit of the Lego therapy over the weekend …

4D looking suitably impressed there.
However …. After that horrific example of shameless temptation, I better leave that series of pictures for another day as I can see from the scroll bar (it gets littler as the post gets longer) that this one has hit that Certain Length.
Obligatory Outside World Stuff :
Numbers have been going up again here, we’re in that second wave that means we should be in lockdown already … I’m ok. Put that trace app on your phone so you have a bit of warning to tell you if you’ve been around someone who’s been exposed, watch out for idiots and look after yourselves. And that can be reaching out to people, being a Good Person in the communities like I try and be at work and with the various discord communities. If you find yourself doomscrolling in Twit/Book, just step away from them. People talk about fear of missing out but I doubt whether you’ll miss out on much there and social media can and will cause a massive hit to sanity. Don’t engage with the idiots.
But if you need a bit of help, reach out. We are in extraordinary times. The last time the world saw a pandemic like this is 100 years ago with the Spanish Flu. Be well. Stay safe.
PS I think I recognised a similarity …

That’s the star fighter from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. I wonder if it inspired the Mamba ? Two big engines, very slim rectangular profile, incredible visibility.