Launch day tomorrow !

Yep, my baby will soon be hitting the water.

Not sure if I’ll be able to post a picture though, as it will give information that would let people guess the occupation of my blogmates who wouldn’t want that ! I will be taking pictures though, will have to see if I can get a postable one.

Ok. What am I going to be getting up to. Gotta go to bed early tonight to let me get out of the house at as close to 5am tomorrow as I can manage. Then it’s a 7.10am flight up to Glasgow, followed by figuring out things to do between landing and the launch. They want us at the yard around 12pm, with launch happening at 2.25pm. We’re hoping that an event labelled “hitting the other side” won’t be scheduled for 2.26pm. Then we hit the pub and head back to the airport at around 6ish.

Should be a fun day out but going to bed at 10pm (ish) will be highly weird.