Looking at those names again

Names of things have been popping into my head again ….

(picture credit – http://clipart-library.com/clipart/1334520.htm)

It’s partly out of curiosity for what the next Royal Navy ships will be called. I’m really curious about that !

The Royal Navy tends to go for catchy, shorter names like Dragon (like that one), Warspite, Hood, Cattistock, Glasgow, Albion, Ocean (now Atlântico), Lyme Bay, Richmond, Mersey, Grimsby. Names that fit a theme too, like Queen Elizabeth or Ark Royal for the really big ships. Tideforce is one of the new fleet tankers.

The River class ships currently coming in are named after … you guessed it, rivers and the City class Type 26 start with Glasgow.

Other countries sometimes follow that theme, sometimes they go for names that come from people. Like the USN aircraft carriers being named after Presidents. The current class of Arleigh Burke destroyers are named after an Admiral who served during WW2 and the Korean War. (Here’s his wiki page) The USN also have the Oliver Hazard Perry frigates and the Spruance class destroyers.

They are really grand fantastic sounding names. Even the Nathan James, from the series called The Last Ship. Another excellent name.

And that got me wondering about the names I used for the Internet Spaceships … Before I do that bit though, I’ve just finished enjoying watching a Rythian XCom playthrough where he went by the commander’s role and used the names of his Yogscast for the troops. Other video people use Patreon name lists and apply those names to the characters in their series.

Names definitely add a little something. A tighter connection with what’s happening. When Fuzzy does a Rimworld stream, if my name gets adopted for one of the characters I’ll watch that particular character a little more closely.

I’d been thinking about that for the internet spaceships, I even did use some first names for ships owned by my previous character. I used first names for people in my last XCom 2 run. I must open that game up again sometimes. Some games won’t have names adopted … I’ll use modded in name lists for games like Stellaris but because there are whole fleets of ships, there isn’t that same connection to the individual ships. At best, with games like Moo2 it was a name for the class of ship although I’m not sure if Moo2 supported the naming of individual ships.

Names are also unique. You could use them as a mark of respect for people in a kind of “I like you as a person and I’m going to remember you by applying your name to this thing I really value”.

I have had fun with the Elite ship names too … here’s the latest one :

She is an Alliance Challenger ship called the “Old Aged Ben Pup”, following a theme started with the sCRUFFY nEIGHBOURHOOD and Goldie Runner. I haven’t actually taken that one out of the hangar yet, there’s been a couple of community goals going which have been pretty profitable and I’ve been using the Strength of Atlas for those :

There we go, on landing approach to pick up more Synthetic Reagents to help fight a crop blight.

But while I’ve had fun with the ship names chosen, lending a friend’s name to the ships adds something a little special feeling. And something like the “Admiral LTK” (switch real name for codename!) has an amazing ring to it. The “Commander Fuzzy”, “Captain of Elysium” and the forthcoming “Commodore Tuesday” and “Admiral Maggie” from my current Elite character’s list of ships have a great ring to them.

This was a good little ship and the Queen Skye would have been followed by the Queen Karen and Queen Jenny. I liked the Ice Road Trucker name themed ships too : Lisa Kelly, Alex Dewey, Art Burke and I’m not sure if I got to the Darrell Ward. I loved the show and hugely enjoyed seeing the stories of each year told through those wonderful characters.

(Addon cos I forgot it) One thing though … because the ship names get posted here and this is a mostly anonymous blog, no real names ! Oh well 😀

Yep. Naming things after the people hugely adds something special. But please. Not this. Definitely not this :

Cya !