Movies – that’s a no brainer

With the hyperactivity lately, I’ve been going up and coming down at total random lately …

Tonight it’s a case of getting the shopping in (I found a place that recycles carrier bags – hurrah!) and then crashing … Not under the blanket type crashing (would really disrupt my sleep pattern and make me more tired) but I’ve gone for a movie that in no way will need rational thought. I’m feeling so tired that I’m not even jumping at the explosions. (Not long now until Easter and I’ll really need the week off by then)

That reminds me – it’s too long since the Crazie Mob went to the cinema, a fact reinforced by me having a pair of Vue vouchers in my wallet that expire at the end of this month … (Anyone wanna help me use them ?)

So what’s on now – even though my brain feels fried and my body wrung out, I’m still in that restless state of needing to do Something. It think it’s that fried brain still cooking away. That’s a contrast from the hyperactivity – yesterday I had so much energy left over I nearly ran around the block to start conditioning training.

Right – at the moment it’s Battle : Los Angeles. Be careful if you buy this, as there’s a mockbuster called Battle Of Los Angeles which in no way compares to this one starring Aaron Eckhart and Michelle Rodriguez. It’s an action movie of the highest quality : great visuals and unrelenting action. It’ll keep you glued if you’re a fan of action movies.

Recently I’ve also watched :

2001 Space Odyssey – This is a must see movie and still looks great 44 years after it was made. They got the science right (it’s an Arthur C Clarke!) and what gets put on screen looks as good as what CGI does these days. Trouble is, it also falls into the trap that Arthur C Clarke stories fall into – they’re decent stories but there’s something missing – reader/watcher involvement. Kinda like a lecture where the lecturer doesn’t appear to care if people are listening. The notes and subject may be amazing but his audience is off in the clouds somewhere.

2012 – another of the leave brain with popcorn seller. It’s a decent movie, which I’ll watch a few times more. But it falls into the AI trap of having too many endings. There’s unnecessary bits of story injected that stretch the tale out that little bit more. Decent movie but stretched.

The Day After Tomorrow – another of the awesome visuals. And it’s carried really well by Dennis Quaid. I still enjoy this movie even though I’ve seen it a silly number of times.

RED – this is the comic book derived one with Bruce Willis, John Malcovich, Morgan Freeman and the ever gorgeous Helen Mirren. This is just sheer fun as the watcher is carried along with the Mary-Louise Parker character.

I’ve been watching more but my brain is at that crispy fried state where I can’t remember them …

And there’s a huge amount more in the collection (dvd and bluray) to go !

And tonight’s shopping trip just happened to refill the popcorn supply …

It could well be a couple of Conan movies next (not bought the newest one yet). Love the music from the original Conan.

What to do later – I will definitely be under the shower until the water runs cold (baking my back under the sun would do too but the chances of that are … slim to remote). But I think gaming would be frustrating in my current state of brain.