Brain freeze …

Is what I got at the moment …

Probably because I’m trying not to get annoyed at a guild member (soon to be an ex one). I want to focus on the more important stuff like a fairly successful Zul’Gurub run today. After going in yesterday and thumping three bosses (impressing the raid leader with my tanking along the way), it was the turn of a couple more bosses today before the instance resets.

I must have impressed Cloudberry (da raid leader) because she put me as the main tank alongside the main tank from her guild. And I haven’t got that much good gear … The “spider” boss is pretty interesting. She goes nuts and has special scripting that has her going after the healers. She web traps the warrior that keeps her at range, which means a backup warrior (me !) has to pick her up and take her back to the main warrior.

We got her down though. And we got the fish boss as well, although he ate a few of us while trying.

Yep – definitely not trying to think about the idiot who thinks that he can jump ahead of the rest of the people who want to raid the end game instances by ignoring the approved list. An approval list is there for a good reason, it says that players need to be at a certain standard before being allowed to go into the instance. If they’re not at that standard, they’re a danger to themselves and the rest of the group. The standard isn’t so much about the gear they have, it’s how good the player is at their class. My gear with my warrior is pretty ordinary, but I can make up for that with the way I’ve customised the character and my tanking technique. Cos I’ve read how to do it :-).

The fella who’s likely to not be in the guild this time tomorrow just keeps on making the same mistakes over and over again and he strikes me as a typical immature know it all schoolboy at the same time. Even though you want to help people improve, you have to admit sometimes that there are lost causes who you can’t help. And I feel like that’s a personal failure when that happens.

Mind you, we also had players tonight who had broken items when the person who dies most often (me ! as tank) was getting on just fine. You need to repair your gear before going into a run, especially if your raid leader tells you to …

Work’s going fine at the moment, although they’ve scarily given me more exposure to the finance world … Scarily for me or scarily for the project ? Muahaha ! I listened to an after rant report from the IT Girl though. As in, she got ranted at for someone else’s mistake. And that’s bad. But the someone making the mistake is highly likely to get ranted at when he’s back in. Muahahaha ! The IT Girl is in a bit of an unfortunate position because she gives the impression of being able to do everything and is keen to do everything she can. Which means she gets asked to do everything … Including the stuff that other people should be doing. Keenness should be a virtue, not a source of stress.

Time to catch up with the telly that was on while I was in Zul’Gurub with tanking tunnel vision !

Meme time !

Copied wholesale from something I got sent earlier (modified a little for my answers)

Welcome to the winter 2006 edition of getting to know your friends. What you are supposed to do is copy (not forward) this entire e-mail and paste it into a new one. Change all the answers so they apply to you and send this to a whole bunch of people, including the person who sent it to you.

The idea is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you probably didn’t know already.

1. What time did you get up this morning? Awake 0700, moving at 0850

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds are more sparkly ?

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? I think Narnia. Might have seen another since but can’t remember it.

4. What’s your favourite TV show? The Gadget Show because it has Suzi Perry on it.

5. What did you have for breakfast this morning? What’s breakfast ?

6. What’s your favourite cuisine? Pizza

7. What foods do you dislike? Foods that are too mushy or are hassle to eat.

8. What is your favourite crisp flavour? Ready salted, although I don’t eat crisps too often now. Ok – Niknaks purple bag. PS This question has made me hungry.

9. What’s your favourite CD at the moment? Probably Alisha’s Attic Vaults cd 1 still.

10. What kind of car do you drive? Puma

12. What characteristics do you despise? Misplaced Arrogance – gotta agree there

11. Favourite sandwich? Ham tea cakes

13. Favourite item of clothing? Clothing with no holes in the wrong places. Jeans, t shirt, leather jacket.

14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Kennedy Space Centre on the way to the Moon.

15. What colour is your bathroom? Blue and yellow (I haven’t repainted it since moving in)

16. Favourite Brand of clothing? I avoid clothing brands that put their name on the item as they’re not paying me to advertise their stuff.

17. Where would you retire? Caribbean probably – cos of the cricket. Might not like the heat there though.

18. Favourite time of day? Getting home from work.

19. What was your most memorable birthday? Can’t remember many of these …

20. Where were you born? Birmingham

21. Favourite sport to watch? Cricket

22. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Dave, Clare and Wendy – They’ve already filled it in…

23. Person you expect to send it back first? Marc

24. What fabric detergent do you use? Persil

25. Were you named after anyone? No

26. Do you wish on stars? No

27. When did you last cry? 17 – just before going into an exam. (Tears weren’t due to the exam !)

28. Do you like your handwriting? Nope. Can barely read it.

29. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? Aye – Unless I’d rubbed me up the wrong way.

30. Are you a daredevil? Yep. I’ll risk stuff, although I do wear a helmet when batting now.

31. Do looks matter? Only to those who don’t look at the personality beneath the looks. Are they worth knowing ?

32. How do you release anger? I get aggressive and try to release the aggression on sport. I try to redirect the anger/aggression into driving myself harder.

33. Where is your second home? Lincolnshire with the parents.

34. What class in High School was totally useless? Foreign languages. Make them speak English ! Muahahaha. (heh – kidding)

35. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yep. When I can, although sarcasm tends to be destructive and I prefer to use constructive humour.

37. Favourite movie? Sky Captain

38. What are your nicknames? Now – Sleepypete or Ice.

39. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Yes – makes it easier to get them back on.

40. Do you think that you are strong? Reasonably – can hold my own in cricket but I suffer from injuries too much.

41. What’s your favourite ice cream flavour? Vanilla.

42. What are your favourite colours? Red, blue. Yellow for cars.

43. What is your least favourite thing about yourself? Easily distracted, absent minded.

44. Who do you miss most? The dogs.

45. Do you want everyone you sent this to send it back? Muahahaha – maybe 🙂

46. What colour pants are you wearing? Dark blue, unless you’re going by the American definition in which case it’s black.

47. What are you listening to right now? 3 phone conversations and 2 people (inc me) tapping a keyboard. Wonder what the other person is doing …

48. Last thing you ate? King Size Twix.

49. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Rainbow

50. Last person you talked to on the phone? Mortgage people

51. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite s*x? Hair. Unless I’m sitting down or they’re way taller than me – then it’s breasts.

52. What’s your favourite drink? Coke (diet)

53. Do you wear contacts? No but I have glasses on through most of my waking hours.

54. Favourite Day(s) of the Year? Christmas, days out of work and the day I bring the donuts in to work (sometime near birthday).

55. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Happy Endings but endings that are definite. I.e. not a Spielberg multiple ending.

56. Summer or winter? Cricket season.

57. Hugs Or Kisses? Hugs, although anyone I know who I spot with Iceangel is in danger of a good tickling.

58. What Is Your Favourite Dessert? Chocolate fudge cake – must resist …

59. What Book are you currently reading? The Apocalypse Troll by David Weber.

60. What’s On Your Mouse Pad? A crappy black IBM mouse that gives me RSI.

Heh – the thing that distracted me rather successf…

Heh – the thing that distracted me rather successfully can be found at [url][/url]

Check it out ! Normal service now resumed, although the picture I have on my laptop and PC desktops probably helped.

Not much today

I’m a bit frustrated by the end of today’s Molten Core run … I didn’t quite get to the point where I switched my mic off (I tend to mutter things that shouldn’t be overheard!) but was very, very close …

I think one of the sources of my frustration is that my two top characters are the mage and the tank and it was the tanks that were causing us problems at the end of today’s run. Trouble is, I can’t tank and mage at the same time. It just gets frustrating when you know there’s something eating away all the healers and you know that someone isn’t doing something about that. For the main fights, you can see what’s happening through target management. You can also see when people aren’t doing their job … and we get a few of those.

The other part of my frustration is that even though we have lots of competition for places, we still get lazy people who don’t pull their weight. Ony of my mage jobs is to cast that thing that makes people have more intellect (almost said “smarter” but it only does stats of a character, does nothing about the person playing). Seems like I’m often the only mage (of five!) who actually does that part of the job. Wonder what the other mages will think if they don’t get picked in preference to someone who does do that job … May have to go on strike for a raid or two, although the raid leaders already know I’m concerned.

Rant about freeloaders and the skill-challenged over, time to do something that’ll distract me away from this irritated mood I’m currently in.

Addon – the thing distracting me out of the irritation can be found at Check it out ! (I tried to put the link in a comment but my html skillz aren’t up to that yet)

Them and us

Life’s broken down into the people who have and the people who have not.

Thing is, a lot of the time, the people who “have not” are the people who have not figured out that they need to work for things. We have an issue on WoW at the moment where people aren’t getting picked for raids. They then complain, sometimes very loudly, about not being picked. I don’t think they’ve figured out that bitching like that earns them no respect whatsoever and will usually knock them down the list. If it’s coming from someone in my guild, then it’s a source of deep embarassment.

Added to that, are the people who aren’t allowed to even sign up for raids … We got through 6 bosses in Molten Core today and we should get through the rest (except one) tomorrow. You don’t do that unless your technique and teamwork is good. In my case, it means removing curses very quickly at certain times, keeping certain mobs under control by turning them into sheep (yes really!!!) and by holding off on the damage I do until I’m sure I won’t distract the mob away from the tank. The biggest problem the non approved people have is that last one – the holding off on damage. Even the “experienced” people have that problem, which they shouldn’t really. Things actually get more dangerous for the damage dealer as you play more. Better equipment means more damage, means more likelihood of pulling the mob away from the tank.

We also still get people asking questions that could be easily answered by looking up the *!*”%!£”% question !!!!! Which doesn’t tend to get much respect and less of an answer from me.

The situation may improve over the next month or so. What really needs to happen is for Guildlink to get more raid leaders. That will allow multiple runs to go into places like Molten Core, which means 80 people get to go instead of 40. Trouble is, I don’t think we have 50 people with the necessary technique to be regular raiders, so diluting the team with the idiots will lead to frustration for all. We shall see. If I was interested in being a raid leader, I could actively select which characters I wanted in my raid. But I’m not interested in that kind of grief or hassle. Besides, it would probably keep me away from my favourite healers (Sarai and Cloudberry – Souleater doesn’t count as a healer) as they’re also raid leaders.

PS Blogger seems to be doing weird things. It’s not counting comments properly and it ate the two Six Nations posts I put in last Saturday.

Trouble is, making people laugh through a little b…

Trouble is, making people laugh through a little bit of insanity doesn’t really do much for the physical problems :-(.

Think I got some of the overstretched finance people smiling today though – which was a good change from them being rushed sick :-).


Should be a good few weeks for sport on telly. Yep – it’s that time again. Sports that no one watches come on to the telly and people are glued for a fortnight.

There’s a few of these events – World Cup, Olympics – and this time it’s the turn of the Winter Olympics. I’m looking forward to it – the problem with a lot of sport is that it gets repetitive. There’s only so many ways a skier can go down a slope or a runner can do a 100m race. However, the Olympics are always something special. Athletes prepare and train for this one opportunity that comes around every 4 years, so you get the best of the best slugging it out, hopefully at the top of their form (always sad when injuries interfere). For a chance to see a sport at its best, take a peek at Olympics.

Oh yeah – I’m really looking forward to London 2012 and I want to see at least one full day of Olympic action live.

(currently watching the run up to the Winter Olympics opening ceremony while waiting for my dinner to burn).

Did I mention that female athletes tend to be pretty hot ? Nah. Wouldn’t have been thinking that. Although the 2 Brit bobsleigh girls are pretty cute. Oh ! There goes the dinner bell. I’ll pop in another Blog instalment tomorrow if I can :-).

What tarot card are you ?

Saw this on CQ’s blog and couldn’t resist …

You Are The Star

You represent the ultimate in truth and purity.
Insightful and illuminating, you provide guidance for others.
You also demonstrate unselfish, unconditional love.
You posses many spiritual gifts, including the ability to heal.

Your fortune:

Your future is looking brighter by the day.
The near future will be a time of both hope and healing.
Luck is about to come your way, perhaps the best luck you have ever seen.
Life is about to get a lot easier and much better!

That’s with just “Pete” though. With “Sleepypete” I come out as the High Priestess – mystery and secrets yet to be revealed. I think I prefer the Star :-), although that’s partly because of the luck bit. Thing about luck though, if you tempt Fate, she’ll bite you on the bum. So I’ll keep my head down there.

Strategy and tactics

Gotta admit, I’m a bit of a strategy buff.

I like to win. And winning can be done either by being bigger, faster or stronger than the other guy or having a better technique. Because I’ll only get bigger if I’m fat and strength is out because of how injury prone I am, I either have to go for speed or the better technique. I have the speed, or I will do when I get down to nearer 12 stone. I got recorded at 11.5 seconds for 100 metres once, when I was 16. Which isn’t too bad. I’ve learned better running technique as well as an appreciation for spiked shoes since then.

Nope. If I’m to win, it has to be through better technique or a smarter strategy. I like devising strategy, I seem to be rather good at it. Although I’ve not wanted to run a team for a while, I’ve had decent results when I have been a team captain, including some wins when we had no business winning … I’ve also punched above my weight with sports like karting, where you have to be light to go fast. I couldn’t quite put up the times to match our regular karter, but I did get his respect. And our team of 4 got a trophy too 🙂

So what’s the twist ? I suppose you could say that one twist is that I’d like to be the best I can be at whatever I want to do. I firmly believe anyone can do that, although the physical stuff may be a little beyond me.

Another twist comes from what I’ve just been watching – highlights of the Volvo Ocean Race. Yacht racing doesn’t just involve strategy against the other people in the race, it involves getting the best out of the weather. And that really does interest me … Knowing what you can get out of the boat and knowing how far you can or should push it. Several of the Volvo competitors (most of ’em!) have fallen foul of pushing things too far, breaking their boat. But if you don’t push it … you come second because the other guy is pushing harder. And I like to win.

I’ve never been sailing … And would love to. I’ve never had the opportunity but I’ve got a lot of respect for what I see on programmes like the Volvo Ocean Race highlights, as well as getting an appreciation for it from accounts in several fiction books I’ve read. Plus there’s Philip, who joined the place I work at the same time I did. Philip took part in the Sydney Hobart yacht race a few years ago. He’s gone through another few jobs since though … Will have to try and find some proper fact type books about sailing.

What I’ve always said though, is that you never know a thing unless you’ve tried it … and sailing is something I’d dearly like to try.