Don’t yopu ever sleep?
Maybe that’s why you forget your butter:-)
Don’t yopu ever sleep?
Lesson for today :
If you put a pot of butter on top of the central heating boiler in the morning to make it soft enough to make toast within an hour or so of putting it there, don’t forget about it until the evening.
“I can’t believe it’s not Butter” wasn’t impressing me that much anyway …
Yeah – it has its moments :-) There’s a lot of fun…
Yeah – it has its moments 🙂 There’s a lot of fun to be had, if you get the right groups together. On the other hand, there’s other groups that just wind you up, either from having to suffer from people who can’t play or people who shouldn’t be allowed outside bouncy rooms …
But with all that, we’ve got a good thing going with the core people in the Mercenaries and a few people in the wider Guildlink group.
It might be me, Son – but this WoW sounds like hum…
It might be me, Son – but this WoW sounds like human nature; envy, bickering, attention-seeking, sweetness etc….
I did give an answer of “not that I know of” to ou…
I did give an answer of “not that I know of” to our rather cute new(ish) finance girl the next day.
The question was “is there someone else at the moment ?” She was wondering where I’d got me jacket from.
Gonna have to work on my people skills
I was on World of Warcraft this morning (only just, but 11.55 counts) and was hoping to help someone through a task. Person didn’t appear (I think I know why – her sisters don’t like her playing WoW) so I didn’t get the chance to make her insanely jealous due to my second character’s outfit.
“Person” plays a character called Tula, who everyone on the server loves because of her having one of the most playful, fun, beautiful spirits you’ll ever hope to find. However, she’s also a schoolgirl in the Netherlands, so the phrase “… Is Not A Hottie” comes to mind. Anyway, Tula’s other name is the Dancing Girl, hence the jealousy over the outfit …
What’s so special about the outfit ? It caused enough of an impression in the bank the other night to earn a few slappings from the girl who was in there because it was making the male characters go blind … Think chainmail bikini and you’re close. The amusing thing is that the top half was good enough to be picked as an item I used for about 6 whole levels and I didn’t know how little there was of it until my curiosity made me take the tabard (overtunic) off. Kinda shows what kind of things go through game designers minds when they’re making outfits for the girls. I have to admit, I had to cheat to find an item for the lower half, there wasn’t anything available where I could get away with saying “I actually used that !”.
People skills – there’s an unfortunate bunch of people in WoW who believe in powerlevelling everything involved in the game. Trouble is, that includes things like guild ranks too … Guild rank effectively means nothing, as we’ve disabled most of the stuff that makes higher ranks special. Only about 6 characters can invite new people in, another privilege is Officer Chat, which we never use. So when you can see there’s no point in giving promotions out, and the logical conclusion from giving in to one hassler is getting more hassle, people asking get annoying … I probably upset one person today by making a new lowest-of-the-low rank called “PromotionHunter” and demoting him into it as soon as he asked for promotion. If he goes, it’ll be no loss cos he doesn’t get involved in the guild stuff anyway. Didn’t even know about the website.
Ah well – munchies time while I wait for a few people to sort themselves out. Hope our Dancing Girl is ok.
PS I play mostly girl characters on WoW because they look better 🙂 And you’re looking at your WoW character for a rather looong time while playing.
but did you pull? Will there be an extra body at t…
but did you pull? Will there be an extra body at the Crazie Christmas Party??
We had crackers … And a raffle
We had crackers … And a raffle
so did you pull :o)
so did you pull :o)
Been quiet …
So what have I been up to ? For one thing, avoiding looking at Blogging while at work … People with pointy sticks they are itching to use seem to be taking a dislike to it.
But mainly, World of Warcraft … it’s been getting busy in there again. And fun, now that we’ve got the Mercenaries back to a mob who get on without constant “Promote me!” (why?) and “Give me money!” (earn it)
And we’re getting stuff done in there as well. Our people and the Guildlink people took down two more “bosses” yesterday, one of which caused much hilarity because we kinda beat it by accident.
Also in the news, I was hoping to have a match report posted last week on the indoor cricket – just one slight problem though – the other team didn’t turn up. Grr.
Xmas party at work today. Which meant I got to talk to people, including the more attractive ones. Always worth it 🙂 More soon.