Hello World

First entry from me 🙂 Who am I ? That can wait. Where did I come from ? That too. Why am I here ?

Blame Aginoth ! (I like Agi really, he bought me a good book for my birthday)

Things will be a little bare here until I figure out what to do with Blog pages, so I’ll keep it short by just saying where the Blog name comes from … My alter ego is an undead girlie called Iceangel, in the game World of Warcraft (WoW). I’m the guildmaster of a guild set up by people at work. I just happened to be the best powergamer when we started, spending the most time on there, getting to a position where we could set things up. So I ended up being the GM. Things are going well for the guild, we’re part of a unique gathering of small guilds that come together to do the end game content. Imagine the chaos that could ensue when 40 characters come together … That’s us ! But it’s not as chaotic as it could be because we have good leadership.

Anyway … hello world. Back for more later after I get more sleep.

PS OW. Still sore after lying on the kitchen floor in weird and wonderful positions yesterday morning. Back hurts.