Xmas brings parties
Work lets us have one afternoon to head out to a place to let us celebrate one more year of managing to meet all those challenges that we get set. It also lets us see each other without the Work Hats on, people can be a little different when they get out of the office … Bit more relaxed.
Today was the turn of the Glass Boat in south central Bristol. Definite improvement over previous years The Glass Boat is a permanently moored barge converted into a restuarant. Usually you don’t expect too much from an Xmas Munchie but we were very pleasantly surprised this time around. Decent portions and very tasty food. Although I think they got word from last year’s place to not put too many sprouts in play. Play being the operative word
Excellent conversation too. I was lucky enough to be at the same end of the table as Ms Sunshine and Lady P, with a few of the fellas from work there too. Picked up a few things to think about, plus I got the impression that this blog entry will very quickly do the rounds at work tomorrow I can get into a circle where I drag myself down. Kind words always help to pull me up again.
Talking to people always helps with issues, other people can see what’s going on in your head that you’d otherwise be blind to.
Hmm – current iTunes track : Sad Eyes by Bat For Lashes from the Fur and Gold album. Another spooky iTunes selection Would love to be singing along to it but my bugs from last week are making me cough whenever any thought of Karaoke starts to strike … That also meant I didn’t stick around after the Glass Boat bit today, still not up to full strength after the bugs. Possibly a good thing too, as one of the ladies was saying how much she was looking forward to the dodgems … I wonder if everyone will make it back alive ?
PS Think I may have to be a little more cryptic with the codenames I use for people, as there’s another person at work who sees straight through them I can still keep a few people guessing though
PS2 I reckon I now have a codename for the Beauty Before Age lady mentioned in last year’s Xmas Party post : Dodgem Demon