Party season

Work’s Xmas party today 🙂

It’s a fairly annual thing, where we will descend on an unsuspecting restuarant in the middle of Bristol before hitting the town. With 66 of us going today, that’s quite a few. Mrs Sunshine (organiser from last year) was quite glad not to be organising that number of us again this year. That duty fell to the Snow Queen and the Queen Bee, who adopted the dictatorial (monarchial?) approach of telling us where we’d be going.

They did a grand job today too, despite all our efforts 🙂

Last year’s was memorable too, with stories from last year still being told today. I’ll remember walking through the streets accompanying someone singing football songs 🙂 Not saying who that was because it might mean tears and I’d hate causing that. All that matters is that she had lots of fun last year and we were enjoying tagging along.

Had fun today, although I had to escape rather earlier than most of us. Think that’s a combination of being around too many people and muscles that were one turn or one bop away from Ow. You’d think that lonely as I am at the moment, I’d want to be around people as much as possible. I guess there’s such a thing as too much therapy.

I introduced a new person to the blog & the Zombiedwagon on the coach too. She’s not been with us that long (feels like ages because she’s someone you can get to know quickly but I don’t think she was with us last year). No codename yet though. I don’t like to talk about people here unless I can hide them behind a codename and inspiration has been lacking …

Question from the coach was – how many people read this ?
Answer – I know I get about 10 hits a day on average. I know who some of them are but have no clue about the rest. I know I have a few regulars 🙂 And it makes me smile when I see the signature of a regular appear in the hit counter.

I’m very curious as to who some of you are 🙂

Back to party. I felt the deep need to disappear a bit early, which was a shame. It was good to see the Snow Queen enjoying herself as she’s another one who’s had a very rough time of late. I feel guilty there as if I’d realised how alone she’d been feeling, I’d have adopted a mission of “Let’s make SQ smile”, with no limit on craziness. I’m feeling a little better too as well, certainly better than the deep well I was in when I wrote yesterday’s post.

One of the commonest questions this time of year is “Have you got all your Xmas shopping done?” I actually have none to do … Although I need to find a card shop. No presents this year, Xmas seemed to creep up on the Craziemob unawares and the family have been giving up on them. With no significant other, I have noone special to buy stuff for. But it’s not just that, I enjoy the subterfuge around surprises. A surprise is sweeter if the subject has no idea what’s on the way.

I think that’s part of what’s maintaining the depression cycle – not enough subterfuge happening.

Time to put this post to bed. I have to end on a downer though. One relatively new addition to the wider team is a little ball of feistiness we’ll call the Little Warpath. Wouldn’t want to get in her way when what she wants doesn’t align with what we want. Anyway. The Little Warpath was waiting for news this morning. It was supposed to be wonderful news but has turned out to be a case of the OMG. Desperately sad for their loss. Thoughts are definitely with the family.