Picture Monday – Armour Amour

Spotted this one on Facebook over the weekend :

Lol’d … And thought of my neighbour, Cyberkitten. Who will love it.

Fantasy armour is always a good subject for getting the artists going. I think the artists and fans of artists are actually the ones who go for the more revealing drawings. The D&D gamers get trained out of putting their women into daft outfits by the GM :

Player : That’s right – chainmail bra and panties for my character
GM : Ok, you’re about to go through a thorn infested bramble patch …

Here’s another one from an older game and book I read many many years ago … Curse of the Azure Bonds had two main characters, Dragonbait and Alias. It’s a pretty decent book (I brought it with me to Bristol and will read it again sometime) and quite early it explains away the abomination of a breastplate the female lead wears. ‘Magical thing causing resistance against pointy-stabby’ (I paraphrased)

Yep – we got trained early by our GMs to think Full Plate = Good (even for female characters). Trouble is, evil GMs also have a tendency to make Full Plate wearing characters have to cross rivers. Usually under threat of imminent attack. There’s rules in there that say that Full Plate takes 15 minutes or so to put on and rushing that causes all sorts of “I can’t move!!” penalties.

Unless you use magic …

I can’t find it right now (it’s in Defenders of the Faith) but you could add a property to that shiny Full Plate armour where your character said a command word and within 1 action, that Full Plate would fly on to the character Iron Man style. So your girlie cleric (it opened up lots of banter with the rest of the party and I had a lot of fun with it) could go :

Keela : “If I were you, I’d remove that hand from where you just put it”
Octopus Guy : “Why would I want to do that ?”
Keela : “Armour up”
Octopus Guy : “OWW!”
(from the hand trapped in naughty place)

I was always more about having fun with the role playing type aspect (while being a strong Power Gamer too) and the Armour of Calling just opened up more possibilities.

And – how have I managed to turn a simple picture post into yet another Wall of Text ? Lol 🙂

PS CK – if you can find one, check out the level 50 ish green Jade Breastplate. Looks better on trolls than it would on a Worgen though …