
Saw one from the Cheezburger crew and laughed …

Sadly I can’t add it here because their Terms of Services are EVIL but here’s a link to the original : ““. Yes, I see people stealing copyright pictures all the time and reposting them often without attribution but I’m not about to do that. There’s even one on Facebook who monetises it … They’ll use photos from places like ICHZBGR and attach “sponsor a kitten” to it. That’s really dodgy ground and can easily get them sued. (Although they don’t say they got permission, that could have happened)

Anyway – I’m getting sidetracked again. The caption is “OMG don’t put me on facebook” and it’s a shocked kitty in a babygro.

There’s not that many pictures of me around and there’s a very good reason for that. Webcams and cameras dislike me intensely. It’s true. I haven’t heard or seen a camera lens crack yet but it must have been close.

And it’s been a while since I’ve been in a shape I’d have liked to be photographed in. There’s pictures of me on Facebook from last year which contributed to me deciding to lose weight. I’m chubby in them. Even the ones from Snowdon show me carrying around a backside that’s on the ample side. But I seem to be doing ok as people are saying I’m visibly more slimline these days.

Still trying to figure out what weight I was when this was taken :

That’s me on the bottom left with the big arrow (I needed to make it really obvious to the Mercs or they wouldn’t have got the message). It was taken in late summer ’98 (Hey ! I heard that – that would be 1998) when I helped that side to win that cup that we’re showing off there. I could still bowl back then too.

There aren’t many more recent pictures than that which I’d like to have visible and out there, although I do know what’ll be on my Facebook timeline when that gets inflicted on me :

That picture is perfect. It was taken 2 years ago in a game between my old side and my new side. I’m in the field towards the left, hands in pockets (as usual), white sun hat stopping my hair from getting in my eyes and I just so happen to be indulging in a bit of sledging with the incoming batsman who was an awesome colleague (they posted him down south).

I wasn’t being too rude, honest. Just reminding him how many runouts he’d been involved in – muahahaha.

So most of the time when I see my ugly mug on Facebook, I’m thinking that I need to learn to hide better. Some FB pics are fine, others are downright nasty. Hopefully at least one will appear this summer with me leaping about after taking stumpings.