Plan vs Reality

I have a plan for tomorrow !


Nah. Last day at work tomorrow before I have a week off before Easter. I definitely need it …. I’m exhausted ! The run between Xmas and Easter always seems to end up as a grind for me. It never really feels worth taking time off between then. It feels too long and both too short. That sounds daft. I usually run my annual leave allowance down before then too.

But yeah. Exhaustion is hitting at the moment. And pain as well from insides that are quite upset with me at the moment. Muscles and all that. (The small muscles in my right ankle want to tie themselves up in knots right now). That’s a symptom of my minerals being all messed up again at the moment. That should work itself out with me drinking a lot more water (if I remember!) over the next week.

But what was the Plan ….

I love pizza.

But I can’t have pizza too often because the excess acid it causes me to create makes it nigh on impossible to sleep.

So the Plan was to not sleep. Tomorrow, the intentions are to :

Stay at work until all the immediately necessary tasks are done (I have lots of flexi credit which gives me the scope to disappear early like that);
Head over to the cinema;
Chill out with an afternoon movie and popcorn;
Maybe mooch around town for a bit;
Pick up shopping supplies ….
…. and acquire pizza at the place beside where I’ll shop;
Pull an all nighter.

If I don’t attempt sleep, I avoid the problems from the acid. That’s the theory and it lets me devour a pizza.

Part of the all nighter would involve possibly some Mass Effect Andromeda, definitely some Motorsport Manager if I’m not feeling up to the run and gun game, maybe some Stellaris which just had an update patch today. My Space Raptors can now eat their enemies. I suspect the Space Raptors will see pizzas superimposed on the aliens.

There is also the Masters Golf this weekend. It’s one of the more paint drying type of sports but it’s also one where anything can happen, well … big changes can happen to the situation very quickly. I usually don’t pay too much attention until the closing stages on the Sunday.

And the other thing to keep me awake will be the Grand Prix. I’ll be able to watch the practice session and qualifying (maybe have a nap between the two) and then I’ll watch the race on Sunday with a time delay.

I’m looking forward to playing the Mass Effect game over next week. It caught my imagination with odd characters who seem to be having fun on screen.

I think Reality is starting to impose itself on The Plan though. The only film I can see on at lunchtime that I’d be interested in is the Power Rangers movie and … I’m not too sure about that one. I’ve been nearly falling asleep tonight, I suspect that instead of doing all nighter tomorrow, I’ll collapse into snoozes.

It’ll be good to have a break. I definitely feel like I need it !

Oh – there will be plenty of music being listened to as well. I haven’t picked them up yet but I have my eye on :

Ed Sheeran – Divide
Goldfrapp – Silver Eve
Lucy Spraggan – I hope you don’t mind me writing
Lisa Hannigan – At Swim

They haven’t reduced in price to where I’d like to buy them yet though, so I have left them on the shelf.

Oh and healing too over next week ! It should be good for the ankles to have them not need to walk around too much. They’ve been doing better but they do deteriorate over the week. Getting there.

Slowly. But surely.

More soon !