Pocket has hole burning through it

It’s getting closer …

That’s Techie Stuff buying situation. There’s people claiming to be selling the amp + speakers that is now definitely a ME WANT. Watching Iron Man 2 off blu-ray (awesome film) tonight kicked it up from “me would likey” to “ME WANT”. You see, most blu-rays come with a soundtrack that my current amp + speakers doesn’t understand, so I need an upgrade.

I also need to move a lot of stuff around, to make a new setup work better. Trouble is, there’s people claiming to be selling it but unless I see a box in a shop, I won’t trust them. I also prefer to buy local too, it’s just so much easier being able to drive to a shop than have to arrange time away from work (or weekends) to pick things up. The internet shop results have a couple of promising options but those options are 100 miles away on the way to/from where my mum & dad live (and 100 miles away from Mom 2 as well).

Local wins out in being able to head back to pick up the bits you should have bought but forgot. Like the 3 trips to B+Q to fix a weepy ballcock. (In this case, it’ll be picking up wire …)

It’s getting closer though. The PC upgrade is getting closer too. There’s now a 22/23″ touchscreen with decent screen performance on the market, made by Viewsonic. So there’s a couple of times (neatly coinciding with a couple of key dates) where I’ll buy stuff coming :

Birthday – the new Denon surround sound set. Hopefully they won’t let me down here.
Xmas – PC Upgrade. The later you leave PC stuff, the better the stuff that arrives. And then you don’t look at hardware or prices for at least 6 months because you depress yourself thinking about what you could have had if you’d waited a week.

The Denon gear will need to be shown off. That’s a given. Which means sometime over the next little while, I’ll need to clear the house out … I live in clutter, which is curious for an OCD tending person. I know where my clutter is though, including the stuff I should have thrown out a while ago. I have it mapped, so clearing it up weirds me out. It’s one of the many contrasting elements of my personality :

Order vs Chaos. Mad Scientist vs Methodical. Sprinter vs Couch Potato. (I do like the feeling of pinning the ears back and GOING FOR IT). Solitary vs Herd. I like my space but it does get awful lonely sometimes.

It’s just coming into Birthday & Xmas season at the moment too, so I’m trying to keep a lid on what I impulse buy. The PC and Denon are both way far out of the present bracket, which makes it safe for me to lust after them.

And it is lust too, lust in the way only toy loving engineers can have.

(We engineers have “normal” urges too – I went ~wibble~ many times earlier watching Iron Man 2, ~wibble~ moments strangely coinciding with Scarlett Johanssen appearing in the Black Widow outfit)

So – showing off the goods. What do I need to do for that ?

Make house presentable (urg). Rearrange lounge (easy). Break out the hoover (whereditgo?). Remove old telly (may need help or forklift). Pass on the old speaker set (see PS below). Find someone who will help me appreciate it (challenge).

I’ll settle for lusting after better bits for the moment and maybe, just maybe will get cracking on cleaning house & rearranging main room.

PS After I get the Denon, I’ll have a Creative Labs DTT-2500 set going spare to a good home … As good as most budget hifi setups at music (comparing to Rotel RA820A amp and Big Tannoy speakers – translation : very decent budget stuff) and it only cost me £160 new about 10 years ago. Very discreet too with small components on display with the big one hidden.