Hello everyone,
There might be a very drastic change coming here very soon, as in a change of host, change of address and change of platform.
You see, Blogger’s been threatening for a few months now to change the interface for Something New and, in short, it’s an abomination. Apparently it’s due to the technical infrastructure that it runs on needing to be retired and turned off. I wonder if that means, like Farcebook, it’s going to be subject to massive slowdowns like what’s happened with that interface change. I have access to the old interface with my desktop but as soon as I reload the web page, it’ll be gone.
It’s actually such an abomination that you can’t put feedback in about it when you look at the site on a mobile. And that would be a Google Pixel 4 running Google Chrome on a Google site. Shocking. I’m testing out what the interface is like with this post and my opinion about it is still pretty bad and declining. I await to see the results on posting … (Line spacing is wrong and I’m not seeing an option to change it. COME ON ! That’s a basic feature in anything above Notepad).
So I’ll be doing a bit of research on WordPress and seeing about a possible site migration. If/when I do that, I’ll pop a link to the new site in the last post I write here. Hopefully I can do the move clean with a migration over of all of the posts but there’s over 1600 of those going back 15 years.
We shall see ! I promised Lego Lunar Lander pictures the other day and didn’t deliver …


4 stages this time, distributed over a series of bags. (Btw, the line spacing looks like it’s going to be a major issue with this editor and I think I’m going to need to edit it in the old one, if I can).

Astronaut ! The book this time comes with lots of little history tidbits about the Lunar Excursion Module.

It starts by building up a flat base.

Is that a resident ?

First steps of the lander module. I think someone wants to fly it.

The red and white cylinders are the propellant canisters. It’s quite a dense, compact model and goes together nicely. And we see one of the Ladies of NASA guesting there too.

Another helper recruited and the base is almost complete.

Side panels going on. One hallmark of Creator Kits is that they have much more attention to detail with the finish, with smooth blocks finishing off the outsides.

Are those eyestalks ?

Ah ha ! Landing legs.

And that’s the lower half complete. The Lunar Excursion Module had two halves. The above piece is the lander, which stayed behind on the surface, spent.

The astronauts travelled in the upper module, which has clever little windows added in which resemble the ones on the real landers.

And away it goes ! Well, actually slightly before attaching the two halves together.

Job done, everything together.
I rather enjoyed putting this one together over the weekend.
Stay safe, be well everyone.
PS Oh my giddy aunt it’s not giving me the labels to pick from like it should be doing.