Potential Summer Project …

One of the best and most interesting bloggers out there got me thinking yesterday …

(Yes – that was the grinding gears sound you may have heard)

Thumper’s wondering at the moment about what to do in the future for walking to help out breast cancer charities. The trigger is an American politician who has infected a charity over there with some daft ideas. There’s plenty more info on that (said far better than I ever could) over on Thumper’s blog (link on the side and Escaping Kitty link here).

Anyway. That got me thinking, along with remembering back to the more recent past :
A colleague who did something similar to what I’m thinking of last year
(or year before last – blurry time syndrome strikes again)
A colleague who is still Very Ill

The ill colleague is someone who definitely counts as Good People and it’s tragic that someone so nice and so young (21 + a little more than me) has been struck down with the cancer curse. So there’s a fairly close reason for thinking of getting involved.

What’s the project ?

We’ve had a few people do running for charity but that’s not really something I can do. I can sprint fast but not for that long a distance. I won’t be running any half marathons any time soon. Cricket suits me quite well because it’s bursts of being explosive interspersed between lounging around. Although I don’t do much lounging around in the field usually due to being hyperactive.

Middlesex County Cricket Club have had an association for a few years with the Breakthrough Breast Cancer charity, with one aspect being that Pink dominates their coloured one day game kit. I can’t go that far, because :

3 day games + cricket I play = red ball, needs white clothing
1 day games for counties = white ball, needs coloured clothing

So wearing pink stuff when playing with a red ball would not be appreciated by the opposition. I’d do it if there was charity money involved though 🙂

Instead, picture the Sleepy One in a Pink floppy hat, batting with a pink cover over the helmet and wrapping the fingers around something round and pink and rubbery while batting. However, I’d need the pink helmet cover (or pink helmet), pink hat and pink grip for the bat. Can I find them ? Not on the web …

I can’t bowl any more, so if it was a Performance charity thing I’d need to do it on Runs, Catches and Run-outs. I’m not even sure if I’ll play this year, that’s all dependent on the legs which went a little backwards today. I don’t think my skin appreciates the cold weather we have at the moment or the dessicated atmosphere in our office building.

I don’t know if I’ll actually pull this off this summer but the seed is there in my mind. Next time I wander around Bristol centre or the Mall, I’ll be on the lookout for Pink Stuff. In the meantime, I’ll keep on contributing to charity as I usually do. Spam through the letterbox gets ignored (there’s too much of it) but I’ll happily contribute for the personal touch.

PS Hoping for another charity cake donation thing in the office soon. Cakes made by our office people (the Snow Queen bewitches us with baking) are always ‘Blink n Miss it’ cos they are That Good.