Shopping List

I have them.

I actually have a few of them now …

No 1 – car. I’m still doing a “blink after the other guy” there, as the prices haven’t dropped yet. But that should change in a week or so when the registration plates move on another step.

No 2 – pooter. This is another one like the car where I haven’t been forced into a change of kit … yet. I’ve had my eye drawn to a game called The Old Republic, which is a MMO set about 4000 years before the Star Wars films. I’m a Star Wars fanboi, have been for like forever. With the gaming that’s been moderated a bit by a stream of mediocre games with Star Wars licenses. This looks like it could be something special though. And if it needs an upgrade to allow me to play it …

I’ve had my current machine for quite some time. Looks like I’ve had my current PC since April 2006, although it’s evolved a little bit since then. I’ll be going from a dual core Athlon to a quadx2 core Intel, the improvement in cpu power will likely be 10x. Graphics will go from an AMD 4850 to an nVidia 560Ti. Not so much of an improvement there but still appreciable. Memory has its usual 4x improvement, going from 2GB to 8GB, same with the hard disc which will go 250GB to 1TB.

But that’s a “wait and see”, as I don’t know the specs of this forthcoming and awesome looking Star Wars game yet.

No 3 – I’ve levelled my tank in Warcraft mainly for seeing if I can get a legendary item. Those things only get picked up by a very limited number of people on a server. I picked up one part today 🙂 And a mate picked up part of what will make a legendary for him too 🙂

4% chance for each to drop and we got 2. That’s out of 6 chances on the night. That’s not all that’s needed though. The shopping list this time is :

8 Sulfuron Ingot. I have 1 so far and they only come from one place. Or the server’s auction house. If I get the rest of the bits, I’ll spend some virtual money.
20 Dark Iron Bar. Sorted 🙂
50 Arcanite bar. Got the bits for 17, the rest will need farming sessions.
25 Essence of Fire. Sorted 🙂
10 Blood Of The Mountain. Got 1 so far.
10 Lava Core. Sorted 🙂
10 Fiery Core. Sorted 🙂

So we’re still needing Sulfuron Ingots which will be expensive, Arcanite Bars which will need farming and Blood Of The Mountain which will be a 100% pain. Will see how long it takes to get those, hopefully not too long because I want to see my character with the legendary item 🙂