Sketchily sketching sketches

I’ve been attempting to learn to draw again ….

Before I launch into that though, lots of things are still going on and I feel really busy and I can’t remember very much of it ! Honestly, I think I got a little burned out doing Star Wars Advent this year and I’m still bouncing back from that. I hoped they were high quality posts and I enjoyed the making of them but I was definitely feeling a bit of pressure to get 3 distinct books every day without just going down the list of one, two or three particular authors.

Oh – there’s been some background feelings going on that are affecting me but I’m definitely not going to be going into those here except to cryptically say that it’s 1 year on.

Sketch ? Here’s the latest :

There we go. Art skills of a 5 year old. Except that’s probably an insult to your typical terror with crayons.

That’s actually one inspiration for the drawing thing. Ideas have been popping into the head mostly as per the usual thing. I’ll see something and an idea will spark off. Usually an idea that is way, way beyond my talents but …. maybe in quite some time (I reckon a decade and by then arthritis will probably have overtaken my hands).

Talking of a 5 year old with crayons, here’s one from last week :

Yep. Stick men. I thought …. skill level of a 5 year old ! Let’s own that. And it was most amusing to see people in chat requesting fan art of a non player character called B’ebb (he’s a massive show favourite) and …. people following that by saying that there was fan art by B’ebb … and linking it.

I depend heavily on my self confidence and when I unleash one of these creations on an unsuspecting world, my default is to think that people hate it. That’s the way my mind works. No feedback = they think it’s nasty. The depressive side of manic-depressive tendencies really sucks that way.

So when people, totally unprompted (I was hiding), pull out the pictures and show them to the stream … and people seem to love it, yep. That’s me going to Super Happy Sleepy Mode.

Oh … there’s a lot of references there and you’d need to be up to speed with the show (on Roll4it link to the right) to catch them. It’s been great fun tuning into this light hearted capering on a Sunday evening.

That was the second Stargate drawing ! Here’s the first again :

Jaffa Kree PD ! Last picture from the Stargate selection so far :

Chalk this time ! So a mix of two types of arty thing this time. The original blackboard was nicked from a stock site but the rest is me. So there’s chalk from our B’ebb with the stick men again … with all of the cast this time. Papa’Rak (aka Ga’Rak) is intentionally twice as tall as everyone else. And then there’s me looking to draw people again.

I think that’s it for today with the really bad art.

I hope I’m showing signs of improvement. There are other pictures that have been done that you aren’t allowed to see :-D. One is a pic that might not be seen by anybody … (Too scared) and the other is one that was supposed to be a “We’re all here for you” message for a person on one of the Discord servers who is in a really bad place at the moment and the Discord people are rallying around to give them an internet hug. Hope they’re ok. I struggle to know the right words to say at times like that (and coincidentally this particular day today for me and I’m not going to expand on that) but sometimes the best thing you can do is keep being around people, give them time, let them know that they’re free and encouraged to show their emotions around you. And that’s especially the sad ones.

Cos if we bottle those sad emotions in, we’ll break.

I hope you all got some positive feedback today.

Oh and that Dragon in the Easter Egg pic may well be a harbinger of this year’s Easter Avatar … Not felt like eating that egg yet though !

That’s last year’s Easter Pic. Nite all.