Sleepy eyes sorely tired

Not actually bought anything yet on the Steam sale …

A few things have caught the eye but not enough to actually get the credit card for :

Anno 2070 – it’s a city builder game but I’m not altogether sure what I’d do with it. Still curious about it though. However … it has Ubisoft’s overbearing Digital Rights Management software attached to it which requires an always on internet connection. That’s not actually a problem for me, although it is for Ubisoft. My internet connection is 99.9999% available, which is much more than can be said for Ubisoft’s DRM servers.

Might & Magic Heroes VI – missed the boat on this one, although it’s another one that’s subject to Ubisoft’s DRM. It’s another example where rampant piracy is costing honest customers. The DRM would not be there without piracy.

Warlock – Master Of the Arcane – another one I avoided but it’s one that I was interested in. I’ve always been a fan of Civilisation type games. They have huge depth available in terms of strategy and this one looks to bring in fantasy elements which seriously open up the scope past Spearman vs Tank. But … it’s another which was released before it was ready, with elements like diplomacy being sacrificed in the rush.

Bloodbowl – I used to be a big Games Workshop fan. I’d get White Dwarf every month and keep up with their games. I even got a few of their PC games. They were strong games too – tabletop and computer. GW went very mercenary though and it showed in the attitude they had towards selling complete games. Actually, on tabletop that’s probably not completely fair as they maintained game balance while adding new bits through White Dwarf. But on computer, they effectively pioneered the “sell something incomplete now, sell DLC later” ethic that’s infecting the PC gaming market more now.

So I’ve avoided getting what the independent reviewers think of as a broken game. Wonder if I could find a copy of the earlier Chaos League somewhere.

Lesson – just because it’s on sale doesn’t mean you Have To Buy It.

That’s kinda distant from the title isn’t it …

My eyes have been particularly bad lately. People are noticing and asking about it … Hayfever seems incredibly bad this summer and my eyes have been watering excessively. However … always ask if you’ve found the right cause. I suffer from dust allergies as well and my house is in severe need of Attack By Vacuum Cleaner. I also wear glasses and while I keep the lenses clean that’s not always enough. So I attacked them with something short n pointy to clean the bits that a hanky doesn’t reach.

Eyes improving. Handy 🙂 But still a way to go. They’re still sore but not as much as a couple of days ago. I’ve also changed my pillowcases. Where do we put our eyes when we sleep ? Usually next door to a pillowcase. Lesson – don’t neglect the obvious 😉

Chilling out today. I can keep myself going for ages if I need to. And when I start to struggle, I know stuff I can consume to kick in the hyperactivity again. Things like going for the coffee, crunchies, Mini Egg stash. I need a certain amount of fish in my diet (iodine for thyroid) so had a bit of fish last night for dinner.

Needed the chill out this weekend. I can push myself when I need to but at some point I need to stop and catch up. My body’s telling me I need to catch up after last weekend plus the Scotland trip by letting me know about all sorts of soreness. It’s mostly in the achilles area of my legs.

They’re just whinging at me though. There’s nothing actually broken. Now I’ve had a little break, if I needed to I’d switch right back into up and at ’em 🙂

Milkshake later while the cricket’s on – milk’s good for the bones.