Can’t remember if I’ve written about this one before which means I probably have and then forgotten …
Been enjoying a game called League of Legends lately. I’d been doing what you could call training by playing with bots only. Me plus 4 on my side versus 5 on the other. That got kinda easy after a while though so I started doing what was intended with a game like this, that is playing it with other people. Just against bots again for now, I won’t enter Player Vs Player until I earn more levels.
It’s one where it’s better played with other people because of the variation that offers but the sad thing about the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena games is that the community is very badly behaved. I’ve seen that numerous times already where people descend into calling each other “noob”. Yep, the quality of insults starts low and commences digging. So I’m not going to enter PvP until I’m ready for it. I’m more than holding my own in the Player vs Bots battles.
Waitaminute – what’s this game I’m talking about ? Here’s a few links :
Totalbiscuit plays LoL
Riot Games – these guys make LoL.
And finally – my referral link if anyone wants to give it a go.
So – I’m thinking I’m being effective in this game and through that, I’m avoiding the abuse that can come your way. I suspect I’m helping to squash some of it by carrying some games on my own. I’m using a character called Tristana who has special abilities that I have a lot of fun with. Not so sure about the other characters in the game and I know I have to have another in reserve so I can switch when Tristana gets picked first.
What’s Tristana ? Here’s another link …
She’s a little sniper champion … Abilities are :
Long range – the closer she is to maximum level, the further she can shoot. Sometimes this is as far as off the screen (I have a widescreen monitor)
Fast shooting – little bit of extra damage when you need it
Rocket boots – love these. Jump in, go boom, jump away (if you can)
Explosive shots – kill something (in game) and it’ll explode and hit things close by
Buster Shot – fires a big cannon ball that knocks bad guys halfway across the map.
So – the main Master Plan is to Rocket Boot ahead of someone and Buster Shot them back to your own lines. Works a charm if you land it right.
It’s not just the abilities, part of my reason for this post is to put up a Tristana damage build. What path do I take with items ?
First is a Faerie Charm and Rejuvenation Bead for a little extra health and mana. You can afford these when the game starts and they go towards a later awesome item.
At 920 gold, it’s time to head home and pick up the Berserker Boots. They make you move and attack faster.
Next is Tiamat, a damage item that does a few things, the best is to make your attacks splash to nearby targets. Tristana does most of her damage from basic attacks so this item is amazing when given to the little Megling.
After Tiamat I used to use Guinsoo’s Rageblade which sped up the attack rate. Not sure this now because it might lead you to hit the maximum attack speed.
Ok, not Guinsoo’s, how about the Phantom Dancer. It speeds up attack and movement. Nifty item …
A Player vs Bot game can sometimes be coming to an end by now but there’s still 3 item slots left :
Next on the list is the Trinity Force which boosts everything, the highlight being that it slows enemies when you hit them. Stops them escaping …
5th is The Bloodthirster, which boosts damage and gives you health back when you hit things. This combines spectacularly with Tiamat which devastates groups of bad guys.
Lastly is the Frozen Mallet, to slow bad guys down.
Right – stats time for the LoL readers who might come by reading this :
Berserkers Greaves : +25 attack speed, Enhanced Movement 2
Tiamat : 50 attack damage, 15 health/5, 5 mana/5, splash damage
Phantom Dancer : 55 attack speed, 30 crit chance, 15 movement speed
Trinity Force : lots
Waitaminute – here’s a link again. And another link.
Hmm – I’ve been typing all this time when I could have been powergaming my build even more. And this is quite enough about gaming for now
PS Very quiet at work at the moment. The colour printer is broken and I am denying all suggestions of sabotage.