Sporty weekend

Lots more sport on this weekend 🙂

(this one isn’t going to be all about sport … I hope 😉

First and last up is the cricket. England are playing New Zealand in the second test this weekend and I’m hopeful they’ll pull off a win tonight. I missed a trick last night … Plan A was to go to bed at lunchtime (11.30pm our time) and set the rest recording so I could watch it this morning. Oops. Someone forgot to start the recorder.

Ah well – I caught the highlights instead. Just like …

Formula 1 grand prix racing is back. Yummy.

Waaaaait … yummy isn’t the word you’d usually associate with motor racing is it ? Well, it is when you see who has taken over presenting duties for BBC this year. Yep, a certain Suzi Perry. I have a major weakness when it comes to attractive ladies with dark hair who have a certain smile. Guess what ? Suzi Perry fits the bill.

I’ve known a lot of them over the years, even had the rare chance to have a chat with two of the best lately (Snow Queen and Miss L). I definitely miss the Bright Young Thing’s quizzical smile from across the floorplate. And of course the Pretty Contractor Lady too. But it’s not just how they look. A person’s most engaging quality is their mind and that’s why certain people stand out.

Just like Suzi Perry with the motor racing … They played up the glamour angle big time this morning for her introduction but people who have followed Suzi Perry over her career know it’s not the glamour that keeps people interested, it’s the intelligence behind the face.

I’m that … close to cancelling the series link for SkyF1’s coverage already. BBC only have live coverage for 9 of the 19 races this year and highlights for the rest. I’d usually fast forward all the way through SkyF1’s coverage (except the actual racing) but BBC’s filler is usually worth watching.

It’s not just cars and cricket, there’s rugby on this weekend too. It’s the last weekend of this year’s Six Nations championship. England should really have won it but got screwed out of it yet again by the referee (this has happened a lot with this particular ref). Gotta say though, while England were frustrated by the ref, Wales controlled the game and deserved the win.

He says through gritted teeth.

Italy have surprised people this year. They’re rapidly becoming genuine contenders with a few good wins. They nearly surprised England too. Hoping that Scotland beat the French later tonight.

It’s not just been about the sport though. I’ve been watching the Avengers movies again. What can I say, I like Robert Downey Jr’s portrayal of Tony Stark/Iron Man 🙂 (and his Sherlock Holmes too). Today was the turn of Thor in the morning while waiting for the F1, now it’s Captain America in the gap between games.

Right – back to Captain America 🙂

Time to grab the popcorn.