Star Wars Advent 2018 Day 16 and …. tentacles …..

Bit confused about what monster this is today.

Bit tough to see today. I thought this was the Sarlacc from Return of the Jedi … (but apparently it’s a Rathtar from Force Awakens).

And 4d sneaking in his shadow at the back there too.

Still feeling the effects of the bugs today so I’ve gone backwards somewhat to something I’m sure I posted a while ago …

Can you tell what it’ll be ? This was a bonus thing that came when I ordered my technic jet.

The backing and covers take shape but aren’t quite attached yet.

Indistinct pages. A blank canvas ? (Yes – camera shake ! Oops)

There is little greater mystery in this world than the undiscovered contents of a book.

A polka dotted scene starts to take shape. What could it be ?

And a little more for the other side. Plus …. a name !

Finally, the finished scene. With our author narrating a tale to an entranced youngster with a park scene beside them.

More books tomorrow !