Surviving …. until break time

Gosh I must be really tired !

My body tends to do this to me. It’ll find out from some part of my brain that I have a break coming up and start shutting down in advance. 3 and a half days to go at work until I have a week off. Definitely need it …

I notice it in the unnecessary errors I start making. Like today when I combined two people’s names without realising or when I attempted to pay for a bacon bun when I actually had a sausage bun. Perhaps my brain really wanted bacon instead of sausages.

Surviving ? Yep. I’ll hang in there until being able to disappear for a while but the tricky thing this time around is preparing other people for things we’ll probably need them to do while I’ll be away. And maybe …. for what comes after. I’d like to get back into the creating side at work instead of the supporting side. (Can’t say more than that here).

I’ve been trying something else to do with surviving too …. Because my brain is broken I didn’t have an extended look at this one at the weekend but it was an enjoyable start.

That’s my early base in the founder phase. The game is built around you setting up the foundations of your base with unmanned drones, then a small number of people move in and when you prove that they can stay alive, you can pressgang more people in. They are willing applicants. Although they may have been threatened with something dire by Niki the producer.

The problem I have at the moment, a problem I have with a lot of new games actually, is that I need that certain amount of brainpower to figure out the game mechanics and how to exploit them or work with them. In this case, the base is probably a little too spread out in the earliest phase and I acquired a few buildings too early before the staff was available to keep them running.

You play, you learn, you enjoy the lovely graphics :

That’s not the in game graphics, it’s the same image as the first with their cover art filter applied. I suspect I’ll be treating you all to some more good looking screenshots in the future. Games definitely look a lot better than they used to.

That’s an old one called Moonbase Commander.

Other stuff ? On Friday, I needed an afternoon of not doing much apart from eating popcorn in front of a non-intellectually challenging movie. The movie of choice was Tomb Raider ….

I think Alicia Vikander has as much fun in this one as Angelina Jolie must have had when she did Lara Croft. And the fun they have on screen translates to fun for the viewer. I enjoyed this one as much I did the first two movies. Although Rhianna Pratchett should really be given full writing credits due to how much of the plot for the first reboot game was borrowed for this movie.

I watched Annihilation tonight. A much more cerebral film than Tomb Raider but that was never really in doubt :-). An interesting movie, probably not one you should watch while eating your dinner. Oops.

I thought they were both good movies, for far different reasons in each case. I’ve also started watching Star Wars Rebels, which definitely has my attention.

Back to Surviving Mars though and I think I’m going to be learning modding more for this one. And maybe applying that over to Stellaris as well. What I’m looking at is customised logos, things like that.

I’m curious what people’s thoughts are for this :

That fella would appear on the side of all of the rocket ships and in the other areas where the colony logo appears.

What do people think ? More mods ? Got an idea for a logo mod for me ? (Comments are below or there’s the Twit/Book posts) As is usual, I’ll learn more as I go on and create more. I do like the message dwagon pic but I think I need to get another copy of him, as this one is a bit grainy and I’m not so keen on the lighting in it.

One for when I see the mum again ! This one is a Happy Mother’s Day pic. I’ll be heading back there at some point, maybe not Easter, definitely in birthday season.

And hopefully fighting the brain burn out to bring you another post or two ! I have been pleasantly surprised by the lack of typos that needed to be correctd while ytping this post out.