Hello everyone,
Gosh it’s been a bit of time again since the last post. I may have gotten myself quietly addicted to another game. Also got bugs and other issues again because of course I did !

May also be struggling for energy. I might have mentioned bugs already :-D. One reason I didn’t post was because I wanted to stay away from posting during the Queen’s mourning period. Which might seem a little odd ? Seemed right to me.
There’s a weird one there actually. I adopted a special tribute picture on Facebook and Twitter for the period. I usually echo my picture on to Discord as well but it didn’t feel safe to do so. That’s very weird, as the Discord communities are the “safe” place usually, Facebook and Twitter are definitely not. And I did get a couple of people attempting to engage with me on an incident in the cricket … They’re blocked now. No hesitation, just block the idiots who you don’t know who are trying to endanger your mental health. Curate your space, it might make it a bit of an echo chamber but you really, really have to look after your own mental health and that means not giving the idiots a chance to affect that.
What happened in the cricket ? It’s a complex one, around the practice of Mankadding. This is when a batter is repeatedly getting a head start in attempts to get a run down to the other end. If the fielding side has enough, they can run them out if the batter has gone marching off before the bowler has completed the delivery. Note, it’s really difficult to stop in your stride as a bowler. The stealing of a few yards is called backing up and it’s something players are coached to do.
I call it cheating.
At the time, it finished off a game that England had salvaged into what was turning into an incredibly tense finish. Bit of an anticlimax and it took the attention away from Jhulan Goswani’s (wiki link) final game. The various commentators were saying it was legal but against the spirit of the game and it polarised the cricketing world into Everyone objecting, India people saying “well it’s in the laws”. So’s certain forms of tax evasion and other bits of cheating.
And then we find out a couple of days later that the England player had been repeatedly warned and the umpires informed about what was about to happen. I was much relieved when I heard that. Mankadding without a warning is really poor behaviour. Warning the cheating player is how it should be done and then yeah, full support for what the fielding side did.
A certain England non-playing captain has come out and said he’d call a Mankadded batter back … this is the same player who I think has been run out in this way several times. Good on the fielding side for calling him on the cheating. I don’t think he should have been allowed to remain as captain of the England side after saying that. (Moeen Ali is a far better person to run that side)
I don’t really think the player is at fault. It’s the coaching. The backing up had become part of the game, with it being ingrained into the behaviour on the field. I didn’t do it, partly because I was fast enough that I didn’t need to.
Enough for that rant – go by the facts. If someone comes out with “but it’s within the rules of the game”, so is most of what happens in football and that game is a mess for cheating. It happens in rugby too and that game is a bit too heavy in its rules, the rules can bog down the game and make it difficult to watch.
Oh ! That wasn’t why the tribute picture didn’t go on Discord. It feels odd that I considered Twit/book safe for it but not Discord. The communities I’m still in on Discord are good but whereas people in them will be inclusive in certain ways, they are very critical in others. And I wasn’t comfortable with having a monarchy related picture on there, which says really bad things about those communities. If you’re going to say you’re inclusive, you have to respect everyone … and that’s not consistent.
Game ?

That’s from F1 Manager 22, which isn’t the game I’m quite addicted to at the moment. It looks stunning, probably with assistance coming from the F1 racing sim game. The pit garage people look appalling, some of the worst people models seen since before the last decade. They’re nasty and indicative of how lumpy in quality this game is.
On one hand, it offers a curious strategic management layer which I’d like to get in to more. And the races are surprisingly compelling.
On the other hand, the F1 licence aspects are a complete mess and a waste of what the game should be. They shackle it down in ways including extremely limited variation in the canned commentary (anything leads to “That’s a terrible blow for the team!” and it’s also shackled to the current 10 teams in F1. There are numerous bugs in the race gameplay, although some of these are being addressed.
It is still a quite compelling game though. Mind you, I’ve spent more time in the old Motorsport Manager than F1 Manager 22 over the last couple of weeks, having restarted with a new team in a non-F1 style of racing.

That’s Little Big Workshop and I got instantly addicted to it. It’s cute, has pretty good consistent gameplay and it’s one where you can set things up and watch them run. A chilled out kind of game play. And the factory steadily expands as you make more stuff, sell more stuff and can buy more machines. So by the end, I had this :

That was in the run up to completing the achievements on the base game. It’s a curious, fun little game filled with cuteness. Even down to what you have your people put together, like the bongos, skateboards, pedal cars, cute robots and …

Yep. Built a lot of those. I really enjoyed my time in this one, definitely enough to buy the DLC for it when it went on discount last night. I’ll save that one for later. it did have an issue though …

I’ve mostly sorted it now by reducing the graphics quality and applying some out of game options but I was having to restart it every few hours due to increasing graphical corruption mayhem. What’s in the picture above was pretty mild. It got to heavy headache inducing flickering and became unplayable until a restart. I think my hardware is ok because other games aren’t affected plus the temperatures were good and it opened back up ok on an immediate restart. But …
I’ve had bugs over the past week. I should get tested but don’t have testing kits. I’ve been picking up a smell I’ve been interpreting as burnt or melted solder …
So the 1+1= has been happening and making me wonder if the game is leading up to an expensive graphics card failure. Or whether it’s just a coincidence and I’ve interpreted it wrong.
Yep, bugged again with another cold like thing which hasn’t gone away yet. And that’s on top of being affected by ginger poisoning again. I think that was contaminated ice cream although it could have been something from the foreign trip a month ago. The ginger is out of my system now, phew !
Hopefully not as long again before the next post, there’s been enough in here for several I think. I’ve just been distracted by game and lacking energy again.
Stay safe everyone, be well !