Hello everyone,
Gosh it’s been so long the editor has changed again. I have to admit I’m not a big fan of stuff like that, especially when it’s not a change I expected to have happen. Haha, oh well. Ah ha ! I can get rid of it too. But first … thumbnail.

It’s been a decent few months actually, if pretty tiring. I’m pretty sure I put myself in another lack of essential minerals hole but I figured that one out and addressed it with another round of supplements to take every day. (Modern day scurvy exists …) But enough about that one … What did I talk about last time ?
Ahh, way back in March, I’d just picked up Red. Red’s been great actually. It doesn’t have the outright speed of the IS300h’s and the slightly less speed of the ES300h but it’s an extremely willing buggy that gives all it has if you ask it to. And that’s far more accessible in those hybrids than it ever was in a manual gearbox car. It goes round corners super quick too. Also, whereas the IS300h’s started as essentially beta test cars for that powertrain, the CT200h started off with a well proven Prius powertrain which received a good little incremental update around 2017 which I’ve been enjoying driving. Mostly for work … that’s something actually.
Something I need to do is get out and about more. I’ve been noticing an increasing possibly agoraphobic tendency. Except it’s not so much fear of the outside, it’s more like it’s easier to stay in and do stuff inside. And yet I do Need to get out and do stuff, it’s just been Easier to hang around and watch the cricket. Talking of cricket …

That’s from the Interservices T20 cricket at Lords back in May. It was a good day out although it was cut short partly because I didn’t feel comfortable there this time. My mum had a little stay in hospital, she’s ok and they figured out what put her in there but I was thinking I should have been there instead of at Lords. That’s behind the privacy wall though so that’s all I’ll put here.
The other thing that cut the day short was rain, it brought an especially dramatic but sudden end to the last game. The RAF had kept the Army to a challenging to reach score of 150 for 8 and they were keeping ahead of the required Duckworth Lewis* score, right up until the last ball. The rains came right at the end of the 5th over … which is the point where if the game’s called off, it’s considered a valid game with a winner instead of being a tie or draw. One of the RAF guys decided to go for glory, and got caught out on the boundary … And that wicket changed the result from RAF win to Army win.
*What’s Duckworth Lewis ? It’s a system invented by Mr Duckworth and Mr Lewis, which the system used to fairly resolve games of cricket that are shortened by the weather. It’s easier to score fast over a shorter time, plus the more wickets a team has left, the system allows for them taking more risks later to score faster. So if a game is shortened, the run rate needed would be 8 or 9 runs an over instead of the 7.5 runs an over that the 150 target would need. Similarly, if a wicket falls, the system ups the target to account for the batting side being able to take less risk.
Comic Con didn’t happen this time, it was back at London this year but we couldn’t make it this time. Next time ! I very nearly found a way to get myself over to Twitch Con EU over in Paris last weekend. I have to admit, I’m not a fan of high outside temperatures so Paris in July was scaring me off a bit from that side. I’ve been hugely enjoying the stories and pictures coming from the people who went though, there were a few groups and they had a fantastic time over there.
Did I mention a growing tendency to hide in the house instead of going out to see stuff ? Yep. Needs to get in the bin.
There was a work reason as well for holding off from going, which isn’t something I’ll talk about here. I’ve been enjoying the job change since it happened in Nov 2021 but there are so many reasons why I won’t talk about what the job is.
More cricket ?

That was picture of the day, it’s nothing more sophisticated than having my camera braced on my knee at the maximum optical zoom it can give and pressing the button at just the right time. No tripod … and I should look at selecting from a batch of pictures. You know, the mode where the camera takes a heap of pictures in quick succession and you pick the best one. I’m not as sophisticated as that with my picture taking but something they really work out well.
Cricket’s been good on the telly too lately, with 3 excellent games with the men and more excellent games with the women. Thoughts :
James Anderson has been a fantastic player for England over the years but needs a good game now, he may have had his time.
I really enjoy watching Sophia Dunkley bat but I do miss the brilliance of the legendary Sarah Taylor. Like when I quit, she’s happier away from the game now and that’s how it has to be.
I don’t like Ollie Robinson. He’s had his luck over his time in the team but he’s very Nothing Special … and also a bit of an objectionable so and so. There are better players.
Thinking of that … where’s Izzy Wong (lady fast bowler) and Matt Potts :-D. Would love to see them get a game.
And the Australians know what they did. You can’t argue to be given respect when you show no respect. They’ve been shown a lot of leniency in decisions on and off the field.
Yep. The cricket’s been attracting its controversy and it’s been extremely compelling to watch. The sportscar racing has been similarly compelling, with a very welcome win for Ferrari at Le Mans in their return to the top level of sports car racing. It’s also great to see world class drivers who became a joke in Formula 1, show what they can do in the sportscars. Like Antonio Giovinazzi turning from being dumped from F1 into a race winner for Ferrari’s sports car. In F1, it’s all about the equipment, not so much about the driver. Sports cars are subject to Balance of Performance, which makes it about driver speed and how the team supports the car.
Whereas I’m having serious thoughts about just not keeping up with F1 lately, the sports cars are still very compelling. And it does help there that we have the ladies teams and drivers showing what they can do too. They’re seriously quick. Like Lilou Wadoux who would get in the car with it trailing a bit … and then take it to the front of the class. Like the Iron Dames team who always outperform the Iron Lynx team, even when the Iron Lynx team included the ultra fast Giancarlo Fissichella. Fissichella has always been quick, if your team is quicker than his identical car, then that deserves huge respect.
I might be running out of time to talk music and books …
Lots of reading’s been happening. I’d just been about to go into Jeff Vandermeer’s Annihilation last time. Didn’t enjoy that one, the film is better. Mortal Engines was good … but the adaptation was better again. I enjoyed LJ Cohen’s Halcyone Space series and M.R.Forbes Starship for Sale series, they told their tale well and most important, wrapped up very satisfactorily.
Book highlights have been John Scalzi’s mad Kaiju Preservation Society. It’s a fast paced charge into a bonkers world with crazy huge monsters. I’m becoming a fan of Aliette de Bodard’s Xuya Universe books, with the latest being the utterly charming The Red Scholar’s Wake. It’s a love story between a ship and someone who was a prisoner at the start of the book. So many AWW moments in this one. Both are well worth picking up.
Not so good : Joe Haldeman’s The Forever War. There’s a decent story there but it didn’t really gel with me. And Star of Damocles from the Warhammer 40k universe, it started ok, changed tack totally in a poor middle and then stopped just as it ran off the rails. Rogue Star is good, Star of Damocles is definitely not.
I’m currently in Caliban’s War, book 2 of The Expanse. That’s a good series, with the story told over 9 fairly self contained books. One thing I like in books is where you can never tell what’s going to happen. A certain amount of plot armour is ok but when the plot armour is limited to keeping just a couple of characters alive with the rest being likely to meet their end at any moment, it adds a certain edge and tension to the book. The Expanse series has that, Gareth L Powell’s books definitely have that.
I actually need to get some reading in to preserve a reading streak that’s now at over 100 days ! So I’ll wrap up there.
Good night everyone. I’ve been in the bunker for a while as my personal burn out evolves. But I’m ok. Hope you are too.
Oh ! A couple of changes happened to the blog template while I was away too, hope they’re improvements. I might have to look at the background picture though because the sleeping dwagon is a bit too light coloured and obscures the text.

I better wipe away all the dust. Cya all !