Hello everyone,
It does feel a lot like time is going whoosh by at the moment. Oh and something might have changed around here. What’s happened since last time ? Let’s see : more book, car stuff, boats and Space. First up … thumbnail !

There we go. Deed done. The blue one is my last car, a Lexus ES300h. The red one is the car I’ve switched to, a Lexus CT200h. It’s actually a return to the CT after time away in their other cars. I’ve gone back to a used one because they stopped making the CT a few years ago. Lexus don’t make a car I’d want to buy any more though. The ES is too big (and I wasn’t a fan of its size and handling) and their UX is a nasty SUV with no boot. If a daily driver car can’t take the groceries, it’s not really suitable. A sporty car is kinda allowed to have a tiny boot, I don’t think it’s acceptable in an SUV. Kinda takes the U for Utility out of it.
So why did I change ? (And this is a bit for the memory banks too to remind me in a year or two !)
The ES was an incredibly good motorway cruiser. I could drive it for hours without really noticing. And that went for the 5 hour trip back from Gatwick when everyone had to come off the motorway and the other roads were gridlocked. It had lots of toys too, although perhaps not quite as many as I was expecting (the manual made me think I had the HUD, back seat radio controls and self opening boot).
But I also think it was broken. There was very excessive body roll when going round corners, plus the traction control would kick in at the slightest of slight breaking up in the road surface. It also had a heavy understeer tendency which gave me no confidence going round the corners. I’m curious that they’ve revised the back suspension set up in the car (not just the set up, they completely redesigned the rear running gear).
That said, they changed something I’d wished they’d changed in the hybrid system a while ago. It’s an excellent system. Instead of having gearbox, clutch, alternator, starter, the Toyota/Lexus hybrids have a couple of big motor generators, the battery and an inverter to control the power. The motor generators are the gearbox and I think it works really well for driveability. What they’ve changed is the target battery level. Old ones – it’ll charge the battery up to an 80% hold level. (More means the battery makes heat, which is bad). The ES would hold the battery around 50% on the motorway. Why is that better ? If you’re going at 70mph, there’s a lot of kinetic energy that has to go somewhere when you come off the motorway. The lower battery hold point means that the kinetic energy can all go in the battery.
That’s kinda geeky innit.

Yep. Visited the farm shop place on the way back. It’s kinda required :-D.

Yep. Things escaped the shop with me again. The brownie didn’t survive long enough to be in pictures. They never do.
Anyway – latest car. Lexus CT. It’s a little bit older than the last car. We record the ages of our cars in the registration plates. Blue was a 21 plate, which means it was registered in the first half of 2021. Red is a 68 plate, as it was registered in the second half of 2018. Older means no lead time (electronics shortages are still a massive problem for the car industry) and it’s 25% cheaper on payments too. Oh and they stopped making the CT a couple of years ago.
Red’s a Premier spec model, so it’s got the better radio, various nice toys (the satnav is a nice improvement) and better lights. Heated seats have been appreciated, plus they’re the electrically adjustable leather ones with (first for me) a button to remember the seat position.
The CT is slower, at 10 seconds to 60 instead of the probable 8 to 8.5 of the IS and ES cars. But I have massively more confidence to point it at a corner and press the pedal to make it go Fast. The IS could do that too but my 3 had other issues. I gave up on fast cornering quite quickly in the ES due to its road barge understeer tendencies.
So there we go. Car change, I’m very happy with new thing so far.

Yep. I may have weakened and at the mention of what might be a tradition now by the garage people, found myself acquiring not one but two cars that day. My models to build queue is now :
Wooden dragon
Wooden trimaran boat
Lego McLaren car
Need to get to it some time ! But not tonight because I’m wanting restful times before heading off to bed and I’ve recently been watching something lovely who streams under the name BillieTrixx. (Twitch link). Fun to watch and she’s got a wonderful hyperactive streak going too, so you never really know what’s going to happen next. But it’s all good vibes and I’ve been enjoying watching and she has a good community there too.
Time to go back to stream and book too. I just re-read Leviathan Wakes, the first Expanse book. It felt like a bit of a grind to be honest, as I mostly remember it from the first time around. It makes more sense overall than the series. Books have more time to breathe through a better ability to show the timeline. Series are more tuned for drama and they are totally bound by the vaguaries of the TV networks. Books usually get a chance to go for their full run. Series get cut off early before they can fully tell their story.
It’s Annihilation next, the book from a very intriguing film from a few years ago. I’d recommend checking out the film.
Later everyone ! (Must stop rambling) (Must post more because I’m thinking I’m rambling more while trying not to dive in to other stuff)