A Cause, Some Pain And a Relic

Hello everyone,

I’m a little overdue about promoting a cause !

There we go.

Long time readers will recognise the little lady on the left there. She’ll be taking part in a stream on Friday 21st August that’s dedicated to a fundraiser for ending the virus of racism. In this case, it’s focusing on the endemic racism we’ve been seeing directed towards pretty much anyone of Asian descent.

Here’s the fundraiser link : https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/endthevirusofracism

This isn’t just about the plague that’s out there at the moment either. The racism has been out there a lot longer than that. It’s a fear of Different.

Sod that. Difference is good. Difference is strength. Difference is interesting. Difference gives us new perspectives, new stories, new things to learn. New ways to do things. It should be a positive, not something to bully people with.

If you’re a regular reader, you should know me well enough to know that I hate it when people can’t fight back. This particular cause has roots in how the media is presenting the Coronavirus. Even our BBC pretty much always has the Asian person in a mask as a symbol for the virus.

That’s wrong. It promotes a stereotype that gets people hurt. It’s rare that I get angry about things but I’m angry when I know that people I know and care about are facing abuse born from the ignorance of others. And I’m even more incensed because the people triggering this abuse are the media, who are the voice that dominates opinion.

It’s tough to fight a message if the abusers have all of the megaphones.

They’ll be on Kim’s channel at 2pm BST (GMT+1) tomorrow, which is really convenient cos that’s around the time I’ll close the work laptop up (I work longer in the week so I can wrap up early on the Friday). Here’s the link : https://www.twitch.tv/nanokim

I can guarantee it’ll be emotional. There will be many stories that will hopefully open your eyes. It’ll be powerful.

How about me and the Some Pain ?

(credits in the picture)
I’m still struggling at the moment. The perverse thing is that the pain I have in my arm and wrist is ok for working at home but is likely to be very bad in games. I’ve been in games only a couple of times in the evening this week, once for a Battletech session, once for Motorsport Manager. They’re both fairly hands off games.

I may have to abandon Final Fantasy XIV early. I’ve been liking it ! But that MMO playstyle seems to be really bad for my wrist.
I’m looking at alternate control methods for the internet spaceship because the yaw mechanism is triggering occasional spasms.

The issues I’m coping with at the moment are mainly :
Back – the lower lumbar area that I hurt when I was 17 never really fully healed and occasionally flares again. I think it got activated by stress tension and the muscles reacted. Anyway, that one can give the “My Strings Got Cut” feeling that I guess people with a bad back all know about. It also causes soreness in my left leg, as the damaged area impacts the nerves going into the leg.
Shoulder and arm – I think I said something about this a few weeks ago. I think the joint moved again and the arm settled into the Not Quite Right place which means I get numbness in the arm and the impacted circulation will amplify that RSI tendency.
Hips – this problem started with the cricket again but massively increased in the worst days of my skin condition (99% fixed now) when I was sitting on the floor. My hips are wrecked … I can walk around ok when I can actively control the movements but standing and turning can lead to screaming.

But apart from that, I’m ok. As long as I’m managing the issues and avoiding the activities that make them worse, I’m not needing painkiller assistance to cope with them.

I’m in a far better position than a lot of people there and I have to remember that because if I have the pain now, it’ll inevitable worsen when I’m even older.

On another note though … Relic ? Nah. That’s not me. Check this out :

Perhaps a preview of something I have in mind for December’s Advent series …

The game is Neverwinter Nights, which originally came out in June 2002. This was a quite flawed but brilliant game. It had many critics who came from the Baldur’s Gate series and they were upset because it appeared dumbed down with only a couple of characters in the party, compared to the 6 of the earlier Baldur’s Gate Infinity Engine games.

My response to that is that while I bounced off all of the Baldur’s Gate games (and the new Pathfinder Kingmaker game) due to the micromanagement you had to do in those, I took to the simpler Neverwinter Nights and played the hell out of it.

The big step onwards that it took between Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2 and Neverwinter Nights was to turn the play area from 2d predrawn backgrounds into a mostly 3d environment. that had its critics too because the environments and models were pretty crude.

But that was the technology we had at the time. I think I’d have been playing this on either a 450MHz machine or a 2GHz Athlon XP and a distant ancestor of the graphics cards we have now. (Probably a 3dfx Voodoo2 with a whopping 8MB of memory)

I didn’t particularly care about the graphics though. They tended to be a bit fuzzy anyway because that’s how cheaper cathode ray tube monitors were. LED/LCD monitors are so much better.

Nope. I was drawn into the story much more and massively enjoyed it. I even have the walkthrough book somewhere. So I just had to go a bit further and acquire the two expansions when they came out in 2003.

This was a game from the days when they came in boxes with goodies too. In this case, a manual, 3 dvds and that map you see in the background as well.

Good times. (Although these goodies pale in comparison to what came with Falcon 4. Hopefully I can find that before December !)

People still play Neverwinter Nights too. The stream I have on the laptop is Distracted Elf (Twitch link) playing on a multiplayer Neverwinter Nights server. They made an excellent platform here.

Hopefully Kim’s platform tomorrow will be super successful too. I’ll bid you good night there, one more linkage !
Twitch stream : https://www.twitch.tv/nanokim
Crowdfunder : https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/endthevirusofracism

Good night everyone, stay safe, be nice to people you meet.

Quiet week with spaceships and Lego

Hello everyone,

I’ve been having a quiet week … a bit of time away from the work stuff and to see about catching up on sleep and other non stressy things.

Cardiff happened on Wednesday, more about that in a bit (but the thumbnail will give some away!). Shopping has happened today, although it included what’s probably best described as a milk mishap. Not quite a disaster, although I was mopping up milk from the boot of the car and my kitchen floor. Looks like only a little bit escaped, which was good. (It got squeezed in the shopping bag enough to pop the seal).

There we go. More of that box in the background in a bit. (More Lego may have escaped as well …)

Been watching the cricket too, there’s been a fair bit of that this week … rain permitting.

Cardiff was ok on Wednesday. I feel it’s probably inevitable that we’re about to see a second wave of Covid cases coming in now in the UK. We never properly got close to eliminating it (getting a below 100 case in a day level), it’s trending slightly upwards again and mask discipline was shocking on Wednesday. Perhaps 1 in 3, maybe 1 in 4 people were in masks. I didn’t stick around for munchies like I would normally have done, although that was partly due to wanting to get back for more of the Kim & Becky crafting stream. It’s a good chilled out stream to listen in to as Kim facilitates and Becky produces magic.

Lots of games have been occurring this week, although I’ve been a little limited by my shoulder … I think I may have actually popped it out slightly this week, although it has improved again today. There’s been a load of music listening too :-).

I played a little Final Fantasy XIV last weekend, although that’s suffered a bit with the shoulder. I can’t show to latest screenshot because the gear system has given my poor punchy catgirl something nearly indecent.

I’ve skipped ahead a little with the Internet Spaceships and I may come back to those but this was Tea-89 on her way back to the bubble, this one is a slightly processed image by the way with “Auto White Balance” picked to make everything more visible. Looks great.

I did want to be doing something different to exploration though and this is Tea-89 returning to the hangars at Jameson Memorial.

I had a chance to give the Admiral Luperza an updated paint scheme, although the shoulder meant I didn’t want to indulge in combat just yet …

So the Towel of Space made her debut. The name and colour scheme are in honour of the wonderful Katherine of Sky (youtube link), another lady of the videos who has a lovely voice with great intelligence and style behind it. When she does streaming, she has a strict no face camera policy but did start up a Cat Cam, with a towel bed for her kitties to lie on while the camera pointed at them.

The kitties appeared to know when the camera was on …

So chat started up the cult of the Towel Of Sky and a new meme was born. The callsign for this ship is CAT404, or Cat Not Found. I’ll name one in honour of the other Lord Of Sky, Caledorn (youtube link) at some point. He hasn’t been making many videos lately but I’ve been enjoying listening to him as I catch up on other series.

There’s Towel of Space hard at work amongst the asteroids, collecting Painite which can fetch prices of around 630,000-700,000 credits per tonne. That’s not as much as it used to be but it’s still probably the most profitable activity in the game at the moment. Plus I think it’s ok for my hands too as there is less interaction with the controls.

The other high value methods are either broken (Low Temperature Diamonds are extremely rare at the moment due to a bug) or very fussy in their mechanics. I mine by finding good asteroids and blasting at them with lasers (very simple), the game now includes methods for drilling into asteroids and blowing them apart for shinies hidden inside. That seems very fussy and I haven’t tried it yet.

I’ve actually enjoyed the mining, it’s been a different activity than the exploring and is definitely easier than the combat.

I mentioned pictures of Lego though … That’s what was in the box.

It was fun to see a picture frame take shape, including having a prop at the back.

A shape steadily takes …. shape.

More detail appears …

And I suspect you know what this soon became …

There we go. This was one of the new Brick Sketches that have just been released. I enjoyed putting this one together last night when I was a bit too warm to do much else.

And 2d vs 3d !

I’ve been eyeing up the LED light up kits as well. One or more of those may appear at some point.

I’ve also still got my eye on a Hotas upgrade, I’ve enjoyed taking an early look at Automation :

Nice little Triumph Spitfire analogue there. It doesn’t have quite the body customisation options that I was looking for but the engine and mechanicals customisation is incredible even if it isn’t going to go as far as doing Hybrids, Diesels or Rotary/Wankel engines. I may well acquire the BeanNG.Drive application that lets you drive your creations around.

Anyway, back to a bit more chillout for me this evening.

Nite all, stay safe, be well.

Finding the Shiny Planets

Hello everyone,

People have been saying very nice things about my internet spaceship screenshots lately so I had this idea that I’d say something about how I end up at the places where they happen … First up though, every journey has a start and this was how I logged in today :

I’m going to keep the pictures small today cos there are going to be quite a few … As always, click for bigger. It was nice to see the planet in the background there. The first thing to do is to have a destination in mind … and I’ve been using the Kamd site to give me ideas for places to go :

All those extra tabs again 😀 Here’s a link to Kamd. Pop in your start, drop in your intended destination (Ross 1047 has a planetary base with a buggy racing circuit apparently) and give it your ship’s jump range and how far you’re prepared to go off the straight course home. 20 jumps is a bit silly but I am taking a scenic route back. The button that says “EDSM Info” will tell you things about interesting places along the way. For this trip, I bypassed the Necropolis Chasm because it didn’t look interesting and set a route for the Smokehole.

As you go along the route, you’ll jump in at the stars along the way. A quick “honk” of the system discovery scanner and you get an idea of what’s there :

Have a peek in the top right. 2 objects is barely anything, so this system saw me looping around the sun for my next hop and not bothering to check out the system any further.

The top right display says that the next system has a G class star, which means it’s worth checking out. The game leans a lot on real space astronomy, with models for all of the stellar object types in our galaxy. Most of those will be Main Sequence Stars :

(Image attribution link – this came from the Wiki page)
The main sequence goes from O through to M class stars depending on their luminosity. The O end are the younger and more intense stars (My astronomy might be a bit dodgy here), the M end are stars that are nearing their old age. Saying that though, O will burn fast and bright, M burns slow and dimmer and usually outlast the more keen stars. The vertical scale there is Magnitude, big is higher up. (Best to look at the wiki page !)

What it means for planets is that stars around the middle have a greater chance of having the interesting potentially life bearing planets. Our own star is a class G2V star, which means it’s in the middle of the Main Sequence and average size for its luminosity. Our planet happens to be at just about the right distance from the Sun to make conditions on the surface compatible with our kind of life.

The game knows this science too and includes it in the Stellar Forge engine it uses to turn newly discovered star systems into something that makes sense in our universe. I’ll pay special attention to F, G and K type stars. Back to our G type star that we dropped in at ! What’s there ?

24 objects means that it’s worth checking out a bit more. To do this, you use the Full Spectrum Scanner. Think of this as a series of telescopes and sensors that take in the light coming from the objects in the system and from that, the systems can work out whether it’s rocky, got metal, made of ice or something more interesting like a gas giant or the much more valuable water and earth like worlds. This owes its inspiration from a real technique called spectroscopy that astronomers use to give a crude (it’s the best our instruments can do!) approximation of what planets around other stars are like.

That’s what the Full Spectrum Scanner gives you – the thing to look at is the scale near the bottom. It gives you a much better idea of what’s there. I have it tuned to Metal Rich bodies there, which are valuable planets to find. If there aren’t any Metal Rich, High Metal, Water Worlds, Earth Likes or Ammonia Worlds present, I’ll quickly move on. As it happened, this was a reasonable system to find.

One thing I’ll look for are moons around planets that I can land on (the planets with the blue half circle around them). It’s nice to have something in the sky in shot as well as interesting surface features. As it happened though, this was a series of junk planets (Icy moons aren’t worth much) and they were too far out to check out. (The Ls is Light Seconds or distance)

On to the next system, this one only had Icy worlds. I immediately jump on if I find these.

On the other hand, jumping in to see spectral traces around there means stopping is a great idea because water worlds are pretty and shiny (and give good exploration pay out !) …

… Especially as I was the first one there, which means I get my Commander’s name on it ! So far, Elite pilots have found a little over 53 million systems, or 0.0133% of the galaxy.

This would have been a great place to stop and take pictures too, as it’s close to where you come in and orbits the water world.

That’s what you see if someone else found a place first.

Sometimes “LOTS of objects on scanner” can turn out to be :

Junk. Oh dear. Just icy planets again … although icy planets can still have nice things to look at if you take the time to scan them all.

Moving swiftly on to another system … Something that will pop up during scans is that “Refining scan…” in the top right, this means there are interesting surface features to have a look at. The various geysers and volcano things are surface geological features that will get picked up here. Something else of interest there is “Rotational Period : (Tidally Locked)”. This means that the same side of the body faces its parent at all times, just like our Moon has a dark side that we can’t see directly from Earth.

This is me lining up to have a closer look at my intended destination. Notice how I have the moon targeted and I’m heading straight for it (not for long!). I have the parent body vertically upwards from it. The plan is to circle the moon until the parent body is visible from the surface, it’s easier to plan ahead and line up so you don’t have to think about finding the parent body again.

So I’ve done a part orbit around the moon and I’ve probably got a bit lucky there with how close to the horizon the parent planet is. I’m on final landing approach here, heading for one of those interesting geological surface features. Slightly unfortunate that it’s dark, so I turned the night vision feature on. it helps to pick out a good spot to land.

And here we are !

The side of a ship is better to look at than its back end or front end (depends on the ship), so I’ll rotate around for a good angle before setting down. Lighting is one to think about too. The ships and SRV buggy both have headlights … and I’ll use those headlights to illuminate ship and SRV.

I’ll also hunt for craters, canyons, mountains … anything that looks interesting as I’m coming in for a landing.

The science bit helps in narrowing down the candidates a bit … cos the Stellar Forge thing that procedurally generates what you find has the science bit as part of its rules. But sometimes it’s just luckily finding something Pretty.

Gas Giants are great places to search around, because they’ll often have multiple moons that you can get in to shot. A gas giant with rings is even better … although those same planetary science rules mean that the moons are all in the same plane as the rings (zero inclination). You don’t see a ring, you see a line unless you’re really lucky and find a moon on an inclined orbit. The Full Spectrum Scanner will give you a preview of how a planet will look and whether or not it has anything in an inclined orbit around it.

I think that’s it for me for this post. If you’re an Elite Dangerous pilot reading this, good luck finding the Shiny Pretty Places to take great pictures of ! I hope this post helps you out there.

In the meantime, I’m checking out those hot things there overnight with marshmallows and popcorn :-D.

Stay safe, fly safe, be well ! And keep your eyes open for the Shiny Pretty Things.