Hello everyone from the land of the impending lockdown …

I’m ok for the first bit of lockdown. My regular shopping run happened on Thursday last week, so I already had most of what I needed already and the rest I topped up with a little run out tonight.
You know … coffee …

Alas, there were no donuts. Oh, I also needed more Magnesium Citrate tablets. They’ve mostly been doing their work, although I have had a couple of incidence of the massive cramps that are why I started taking them. Still, a couple of incidences in a year are better than the near daily occurrences I was having before. Win there I think.
There was more though. I’d been steadily getting more and more frustrated with the keyboard I had before, because it was either being unresponsive or double bouncing. The problem is quite possibly dust build up inside the mechanisms … which isn’t great because it turns out that the Steelseries keyboard I had before is essentially a sealed unit. Open it up and it won’t go back together as you want it.
The one I’ve replaced it with is the own brand ADX keyboard. (Disclosure note – own money used to buy it) It felt good in the shop, although you can’t test responsiveness without it being hooked up to something. I’m using it at the moment. What it could do with is reference points so that you can touch type locate yourself on the specific keys. References like a gap between Caps and A, or between # and Enter.
I was going to check more of the keyboards again but … people again. This time a youngish fella with a little boy, both without masks. Little boy was testing out the keyboards. So I’m not touching those. Besides, most mechanical keyboards are £100+ and probably shouldn’t be. What this one does need though is more tilting scope. I like my keyboards well tilted forward and if anything, this one tilts back.
It wasn’t all buying stuff at the Mall tonight though. I walked out of Smyths before having a good look at the Lego because there were too many people in the store. Plus I had things to do, stuff to buy before shops shut and not really enough time to do it all. (Spoiler alert – had loads of time)
I kinda wanted food while I was out there but … believe it or not there was a big queue of cars wanting McD Nuggets. (It’s always the nuggets) Wagamamas was also full up. I didn’t bother looking in the Pizza Hut and didn’t fight my way back through the roads to the KFC because, to be honest, the Mall KFC probably needs its food standards looked at.
I’m watching Brave New World now while typing, nearly gave it up after half an episode. It’s another that only vaguely resembles the original book and it was struggling to hold my attention. And then it suddenly launched into action midway through the second.
Some fiction is like that.
I don’t think I’ll be gaming tonight, although I have been enjoying being in the world of Deus Ex Human Revolution again.

He’s a buddy, I pick up the guns that the bad guys carelessly leave lying around, this gentleman makes the guns go away.
More Deus Ex later. I think I’ve come to a decision on two games …
The Outer Worlds – abandon. The lovely story of Parvati doesn’t make up for being just plain bored with the rest of the game. I’ll watch the Caledorn lets play series, plus I know what happens already from another person streaming the game.
Star Trek Online – scale back. The episodes were interesting … but I was finding that I was rarely playing those. Instead, my game time was going into the repeatable multiplayer Task Force Operations and the repeatable Click Button To Pretend Done Quest stuff where it doesn’t feel like there’s much actual gameplay going on. So I think I’ll scale that one back to just playing through the pretty decent episodic content and ignore the boring stuff.
Oh ! I need another picture … I think I’m figuring something out there. Twitter uses the first picture for the thumbnail, Farcebook uses the last one. I don’t have any control over that outside of what’s in the post. So … Farcebook thumbnail ! (Maybe) (edit – nope ! Twitter used the second pic …)

Yep. Lockdown again, it’s almost certainly overdue as the later that it’s called, the higher up the scale of cases we are and therefore more people get the virus and it takes longer to damp it down again. It definitely doesn’t help when you have the irresponsibles around.
I’ll be ok with the next lockdown. I got my supplies in before the announcement so I don’t need to fight the people who are going to do the panic buying. Morrisons wasn’t actually too bad tonight to be honest.
Hopefully it’ll just be until the start of December and the cases come well under control before then.
Until then though, stay safe, be well.