Hello everyone,
Lots been happening in the sporting areas lately hasn’t there ? Yep. Stunning catch by the Indian lady was the absolute highlight. Here we are. It’s well worth linking up for you. (Harleen Deol catch on Skysports). I saw it happen live and even though I’m an England supporter through and through for all things apart from one particular sport, I was seriously impressed with what she pulled off there. It was something special, probably the catch of the decade. I don’t think we’ll see a better one this year.
But wait, we need a thumbnail pic.

I’ve been in the other game too. (Oh and the typing was going somewhere random there so unobserved weirdness may have ensued) Space games are in a bit of a sad situation at the moment. Elite is suffering from a vast number of issues but at least it appears with an announcement from the CEO that they might be turning a corner there. The advice still stands though : Don’t give Frontier any money until you are completely assured that you will get a quality product at the end of it.
I nearly spent money on X4 in the steam sale. That game has issues as well, although its style feels like it’ll be one I could enjoy. Star Citizen is very far from being done at the moment, or even basically playable. I do have a few more like Empyrion, where I have ideas for ships to build but no real inclination to build them. I had another look at No Mans Sky but that feels more about the wandering around planets than finding pretty things in space. So I’ll continue with Elite for now but with most of what I do in there now, there’s a reminder of the flaws that are currently in the game.
Oh and I need to acquire another graphics card so I can go back to some of the newer things and play them with the graphics turned up. Like a second playthrough of Deus Ex Mankind Divided, I enjoyed that one first time around but I’m saving the next run for when I have more pixels to play with.

I had a little look around a base in the Kremavi system. It’s on one of the improved Odyssey planets, so it has a thin atmosphere causing the shading towards the horizon. This base is also on a tidally locked planet, so the base is in permanent sunlight. The Buckyball racing crew have adopted it as their latest race base, which involved landing the ship 5km away, having a little foot race to the buggy, racing the buggy to the base, flying a ship through the base and flying a fighter through the base. The current leading time is 5 minutes 16 seconds. I’m not going to make an attempt, my game performance is nowhere enough to think about it.
Oh ! Yep. Enjoyed the cricket. The F1 racing has been interesting this year as well, with a resurgence of Red Bull. One big difference between Red Bull and Mercedes in F1 seems to be the potential of them making mistakes. Red Bull’s mistakes tend to be on track incidents, although they’ve somewhat dealt with that as Verstappen has matured and as they have gone through some terrible, ghastly even, drivers. Apart from that, Red Bull’s strategies are perfect and spot on when they go reactive. Mercedes have an unfortunate tendency to shoot themselves in the foot, like the German GP when they did a celebration, forgot they were actually racing and had a bit of a disaster.

Not actually Sunday, actually Monday. Performance in the buggy was “ok”, I’ve turned the antialiasing off (it blurs the lines) and it’s made things a bit better. They’ve attempted a graphics kludge to try and make things better … but I think it causes the game to crash so I turned it off and had no crashes since. No antialiasing though means the bitmaps have nasty graphical dot artifacts in them, happily the jpeg compression hides a lot of that.

One thing about this little jaunt, the base was empty. As in absolutely devoid of movement. You don’t really notice it as you’re wandering around and there are occasional ships coming into land at the pads that encircle the base but on the ground, there is nothing. That’s a little sad but it would mean more thought and processing power needed to make the buggies and people happen.
I’ve been enjoying watching the cricket too. It’s a symptom of what’s going on that the England cricket team needed to pick a completely fresh squad for the current one day internationals as Covid got into the previously selected team. It’s still a Thing, even if people seem bent on ignoring it.
It’s not going away, if anything the Delta variant is hellishly dangerous. The virus doesn’t care what we think of it, it just wants to spread … and Delta’s unlocked a way of it spreading even more dramatically than before. The lesson is – get vaccinated … and even there, keep being cautious. The virus has shown it mutates readily, it can mutate to having more impact on the body as well as being more infectious.
Oh ! Cricket stuff – I have watched some of The Other Big Sport Championship (not Wimbledon). I was unlucky enough to tune in as one of our players dived and got the penalty decision that saw England go through to the final. The big reason why I don’t watch football now is the cheating inherent in the game. Even with the video refs, they can’t get rid of it.
Cricket has managed to pretty much stamp it out with the decision referral system. There are still some odd decisions that happen but compared to even 10 years ago and especially before neutral umpires were introduced, massive mistakes and perhaps deliberate errors happen. There’s no debate now with the decision referral, the ball tracking seems much better and the sound and camera system make it very clear whether the ball’s been hit or not. The only tricky bit is whether a catch very close to the ground has been held cleanly.

It still looks really pretty. But once you see the issues in the game at the moment, you can’t really ignore them. I don’t think there’s any big ones in that shot though.

That was at the end of my little joyride. I had missed the Flawed Thing in this one until someone pointed it out in one of the discord servers … I don’t think I was driving on one set of wheels …
I thought this post was going to be a bit random, more so than interleaving the buggy pics with things like sport. Only one more buggy pic to come though.
In other news – finished Shadow Caption by Alastair Reynolds. Good book. Good middle of a triology. I read Silversands by Gareth L. Powell, which is a standalone scifi book set on a colony of Earth in a galaxy with gate wormholes between planets … which have randomised destinations. So the colonies exist independently and cut off from each other. Silversands was a very fast tale, a quick book and a pretty darn good one too. I’ll keep reading Gareth L. Powell’s books. He’s a great guy too, local in Bristol, fairly active on Twitter and I’ve had a few very pleasant interactions with him.
Oh ! I was going to comment on how things Look. When you’re doing things, are you concerned with how they Look to others ? I am. It’s why I don’t rant much here or indulge in talking about stuff like politics too much. Ranting isn’t a good look. Neither is hooliganism, which we’ve been seeing as the other thing that hopelessly mars football as a sport in this country. It’s about that face that gets presented to the world. Is it one you’re happy people seeing ? Is it something that will come back to haunt you in a few years due to the Internet not forgetting anything ?
I’m quite happy with the face that I hope I present. Although there is that constant of the face you present not necessarily being what other people see when they look at you.

Perhaps the antics above present a face of “Rebel”.
Stay safe everyone, be well. It’s tough but the crisis is far from over, keep that caution up.