Hello everyone, what’s behind the door today ?

Super battle droid today, which leads me to talking techie stuff 🙂
I think I’ve mentioned this before … I’m going to be upgrading the tech at some point in the not that distant future. First up … to follow today’s advent model being a droid :
New phone ! My current phone (a Pixel 4) has been properly excellent. It does all I need it to do, it’s really surprised me with how good the night sight camera mode is and the only way it gets intrusive is by nagging me to enable to back up modes that’ll have all my pictures going off to Google to be harvested by whatever AI they say isn’t going to be trained on our pictures (but you know it will be).
There are 3 things pointing me towards an upgrade :
Memory size – I do like taking pictures (and copying them through from camera) and the memory is filling up;
Battery life – it’s 5 years old now and I think the battery is degrading
Contract – it’s 5 years old now 😀 and my contract was completed a while ago.

No, it’ll be an Android phone because I don’t want to have my phone subject to Apple’s policy on forced hardware obsolescence and whether or not we own our devices. Talking of that …
My iPad Mini 2 (that’s probably 10 years old, it’s done well) looks like it’s only good for being a Kindle app thing now. It’s asking for an update to iOS 12.7, it can’t handle the latest iOS and therefore I can’t update its browser or most of the other apps to the current versions. So it’s now useless as a portable computing device, outside of being an excellent e-reader device.
If I do upgrade the iPad, it’ll be the same again because the Mini size is a good size. The display is easily readable even with my deteriorating eyes (I am old, hear my roar. It’s pain from the latest back twinge) and it’s more compact than the full size ones. Compact is good.
Might have to change that in the car though. (Gosh, this post is actually flowing from device to device, never saw that coming)

The issue with the car is that it’s a bit low. It’s challenged by the larger speed ramps around here, so I really don’t want to take it to less paved places if I ever do the stargazing thing properly. (Gonna need to arrange some away from home storage for that I think)
I’m actually looking a bit at the Lexus LBX again, it actually has a somewhat usable boot. Other than that though, I do greatly like the 2 pedal driving of an auto box and the Toyota/Lexus hybrids mesh very well with how I like to drive. The gearbox brain aligns with how I want the car to respond when I change the throttle input. But I might need to look at something bigger. No real solid idea of what to get next though and that era of The Last Car is looming (when they ban sales of cars with petrol engines and everyone without the ability to charge an electric car is stuffed).
Car as tech ? Definitely a thing these days. It’s a long time since I drove a car possibly without any transistors in (the Fiesta didn’t even have a radio). Now it’s Bluetooth, drive by wire, brake by wire, electric throttle, two motor generators, all the engine management, a number of display screens, memory seat and all the rest of the tech in the car. There’s probably more computing power in there than my PCs even going to the turn of the century.
And there’s the next swing in something something techie to upgrade !

The other impending forced obsolescence thing that’s looming is the end of support for Windows 10. We’ll need to hop up to Windows 11 by that point because all the bugs that Microsoft didn’t sort out in Windows 10 before end of support will become active liabilities in our PCs that will most definitely be exploited by individuals and organisations who are able to get their stuff into our machines.
I’ve had malware affect me adversely three times :
First Acer laptop, which acquired keyloggers from something associated with the Eve Online website. That saw my log in credentials getting stolen and temporary loss of account. The Eve admin people retrieved that but it did lead to the compromise of a lot of my passwords from that time.
Something nasty got in from a website, which got past the User Permission thingy popup, murdered Defender like it wasn’t there and it was corrupting my browsing, serving ads etc. That needed a system restore to fix.
Third goes way back … when a piece of malware called Blaster was fully capable of scanning the internet to find a vulnerable machine, uploading itself and infecting that machine within fifteen minutes of it being connected to the internet. Yep. This happened on a machine I was setting up with a completely fresh Windows XP install, it was able to get in and infect before anti-virus could be installed to stop it. I saw the install due to the Zonealarm (remember that ?) firewall popping up with an outgoing connection request.
My current PC, Meltdown, has done well with a Ryzen 5 3600 processor and an upgrade to a 3060Ti and bigger SSD since install. But it was struggling a little bit with the more open areas of Star Wars Outlaws and that plus that looming Windows 10 out of support is making me think I need to retire a Windows install that dates back to Oct 2011 and Windows 7 in Pumpkin and replace it with … This is what I’m looking at :
AMD Ryzen 5 again, it’s a good combination of economic to buy and the power on the chip. I’ll get 64 GB of memory this time and couple it to one of the 5060Ti graphics cards. Which means waiting until they become affordable sometime after they come out in Jan. I’ll debate until purchase whether I go for one Solid State Device (SSD) drive or two :
One SSD – it keeps things simple. But … an SSD kinda wears out over time and not in the same way as physical wear to bearings will eventually kill the old magnetic platter based drives. Each time data is written to an SSD, that takes a little bit of life out of it. Too much of that and it starts to sacrifice its total storage capacity. The 5 year old one in Meltdown that has Windows on it is still doing well and has all of its bits available but the CrystaldiskInfo application is telling me that it’s down to 57% health, which I think is based on how much it’s been writing, erasing and rewriting bits of itself.
Two SSD – one smaller one for Windows, one whopper for games. The idea is that the little one gets rewritten a lot by whatever Windows does, while the whopper for games just looks out for data storage (textures and graphics and voices are big) and doesn’t get rewritten as much.
Apparently my boot disk has had 46,572 GB happen to it and it’s just a 464.7GB drive. So each memory bit it contains has been rewritten on average of 100 times over 5 years of operation. Maybe. I might not be interpreting that right.
I think that’s it for me for tonight. Mass Effect Legendary completed downloading and I’m tempted to dive into it when I should be giving a dodgy shoulder a break.
It’s been good to be back into popping these natter chats in for you all 🙂