Winter wonderland, for a day

Hello everyone,

We had snow ! It’s always a big event that in UK because it’s quite rare. Although maybe it’s increasing as the weather gets wilder ? It didn’t last long but it was good to have a little wander in it while it lasted. Still chilly here … but the occasional clouds aren’t turning to rain or snow.

Thumbnail pic ?

Picture. Meme. We're looking at 4 panels all of a black cat with large eyes. The panels steadily get closer to the cat. The captions together say "I wish your year is full of nice things"

There we go. are good people and I must check that I’m following them on Bluesky if they’re over there yet.

Uhoh this could be a random post – quickly on the social media stuff … I’ve given up on trying to keep up with Facebook and Twixxer. I’ll occasionally scroll through the Facebook stuff but it is very occasional. Their algorithm is complete garbage now and hides things. I don’t bother scrolling Twixxer any more, definitely not on mobile due to how advert heavy it is. Plus both Facebook and Twixxer are run by … well you’ll have your own opinions there and I probably agree with most of them. It doesn’t help that both of these sites are now deeply problematic with who runs them.

Bluesky is great for keeping up with that selective curated group of people that I follow, as is Instagram. Plus I’ve trained Instagram to mostly suggest cute dog meme videos that it shows me when the people I follow haven’t posted an update. Good times.

Snow ?

Picture. We're looking at a snowy scene towards a road curving around a roundabout in the centre. We can see the patterning of the snow coming down. It's at night and there is light from streetlights and a car negotiating the roundabout.

We didn’t get much, although it was enough to cover up the roads with a light layer that was giving some people a few issues.

Picture. We're standing on a lightly snow covered pavement looking down a long straight road lined with lit streetlights on the other side. The road is covered in snow with ruts cut into it by the cars.

About enough snow there to make things interesting on the roads but it was a Saturday evening, so not many people were needing to head out to go to work or get supplies. Roads were pretty quiet actually and I think one of the local chippies were closing up early.

It was nice having the little walkabout. Not too cold and the snow was easy to walk through in the boots. I didn’t see any snow people about though and I didn’t stay out for that long.

Picture. Snow scene again. We're looking towards a small bridge. There is a wooden fence on each side, going up to about hip height. Beyond, the leafless branches of a layer of trees.

We did have the last remnants of the Christmas lights though.

Picture. Snow scene. We're looking down a lightly snow covered lane between houses, some of which we can see on the right with cars parked in short driveways in front. The screen is lit by streetlights and light blue white dot lights on the trees.


It’s taken me a few more days than I wanted to post this one ! Back at work this week and that usually leads to me being absolutely wiped out by the time it gets to the evening. (Especially as I did Mall on Monday evening and got back a bit late) So I’ve been gaming, with the trucks and a bit of Mass Effect, chilling out with the stream watching and enjoying the reading.

First book read of 2025 was Lords of Uncreation by Adrian Tchaikovsky. It’s the last of his Architects trilogy, set in a fairly near future universe where humanity reached the stars only to find monsters lurking in Unspace* which would come out and remake planets as works of grotesque art. *(Unspace is this universe’s faster than light travel mechanism). It was a great trilogy with lots of shenanigans and characters to enjoy and the author pulled off the ending really well.

Next up is Colony Mars Four Jezero City by Gerald M Kilby. It’s started out as a murder mystery set on near future Mars. They’re not as well written as the Lords of Uncreation trilogy but they’re still an enjoyable tale. We need these books as well as the masterpieces. And some of the really well written books can be really boring and dreary to read.

I’d prefer to dive through a bunch of great stories that pull me in quickly, than to slog through something I’m not enjoying. And I’m looking at the Peter F Hamilton book from last year there, I enjoyed part of that set up but could tell it was about to go into very dark places with very little narrative support for it going to even deeper dark places.

Oh ! Gotta get back to the book (and the ShoxxyQT* stream) so I can keep a Kindle reading streak going that’s over 400 days now. The last time I missed a day was on the return home day of the Norway cruise, which had a nightmare drive home through almost central London on a really bad traffic day.

*Shoxxy is a new find in the streaming world, she’s a Scottish streamer lady who I’ve seen a small number of streams from so far. Lovely person, has very cosy chill vibes and it makes me happy hanging out in streams like that. Here’s a Twitch link. Although it’s more disturbing horror vibes from the game she has at the moment :-D.

Back to the book ! Nite all, have a lovely rest of the weekend.

Preparations for being a chilly bean

Hello everyone,

What’s this ? 2 in a week ? Better watch that, could be habit forming 😀

Picture. First caption is "5 year old me when it's cold outside." We see two cats side by side. One has its mouth closed, one has its mouth wide open with a cloud coming out. Second caption is "30 year old me when it's cold outside". Same picture
I’m in this picture and I like it

I’m feeling glad that I looked at the departure date again … I’d convinced myself that it was Sunday for some reason, might have ended up arriving only to be told the boat had sailed the day before. That would have been a bit tragic !

I’ve actually been a little more organised too. My latest car got delivered to its first owner in Dec 2018, which means it’s due for the annual service and MoT roadworthiness check. Sorted for the Monday after I get back.

Time for a momentary rollback to last post though, I think I got a little emotional there. Which is ok, because I take that as a sign that I’m caring about the other people in the world. One extra comment for last post would be that we need to read the room when we’re doing the nice things. Something we perceive as nice might not be the right thing to do or say. Like our lovely streamer lady having to repeatedly remind chat that she didn’t want to have comments about what she looked like, because the stream chat kept going back to that subject.

So – be kind to others but read the room before that comment pops out of your head. I naturally have a thought about what the people that I see I are like. But I’m not going to let that opinion out of my head unless I know how it will be received. And that’s not just by the person the comment it’s about, it’s about everyone else around them too.

Picture. Meme. We're looking at a tiny penguin, determinedly heading off to the right. On the left, a raised foot. In the centre, the Penguin has a wing raised as if leading a person by their hand. The caption "Come wiht me, Human. I'll show you how to penguin."

Quite. I’ve been thinking about cold, with a few looks ahead at the weather for a couple of the places I’m going. One of them has a minus 9 degrees C day before the temperature pops up a little bit there. I’m actually ok with that, I’d rather be in extra layers in the cold than struggling desperately to stay cool when it’s too hot outside.

But … if you haven’t experienced that level of cold, or know what to expect, it’s very dangerous in its own way. Having suitable gear is really important. Being aware of the conditions and what they’ll do is absolutely critical. Hypothermia will kick in … and you won’t notice. Mind you, heat is similar … both extremes of temperature will mess up your thinking and stop you extracting from the situation before it becomes dangerous.

If you’re heading into cold conditions, I’d very much recommend taking a course or watching videos about what to expect. However, it’ll likely go into things like frostbite injuries which can get graphic. Still, it’s good to have a little bit of scare in you when going into situations, it means you’re taking them seriously.

A little bit of fear can be a good thing.

So lessons from a few years ago ?

Great socks are really helpful. I had cheap but decent fuzzy boots too. They took about 5 minutes to get them on in the mornings but when the feet were in them, they were super comfy. I could easily drive the 4×4 in them too (I can technically drive in safety boots but it’s not … safe). They kept my feet warm and kept me upright too.

Good gear counts, the boots that the other guys had were standard issue boots and they were having to monitor their time outside and come in when they were starting to feel the cold in their toes. (That said, I was doing very similar things, I’m chubby but not that well extra insulated).

Did I mention that we had a minus 16 degrees C day when we were out there ? Yep. Brr.

It also affects equipment. Funny things happen around the freezing point of water. If you have an air pump, like for car tyres, then if isn’t working off dry air it’s likely to fail due to freezing droplets. The water droplets will go around the system until they hit a valve, then contact with the cold parts will make the droplet freeze, it blocks the valve and pump no work. Similar for cable and pipe joins. Contraction and expansion will loosen connections and make pipes pop off.

And that’s the stuff we don’t often think about. We actually had a good time out there, early teething troubles with getting up to speed with the cold were quickly sorted out and we could get on with rattling through the programme of work we had. Lots done, much data acquired, good times. And that’s about all I can talk about the work :-D.

More stuff :

Windchill is nasty. It makes even a mild minus 5 feel at least 10 degrees colder. A good scarf to cover up exposed skin is a very handy thing. I ditched the thermal lined hat I bought early on (still got it, just don’t use it) in favour of the bright yellow Atomic Hat. It’s a thermal lined beanie which I can’t wear too much because anything above freezing and it’s too toasty. Good hat.

Everything is more brittle, so keep your footing and don’t slip.

Hands and fingers will numb. Fast. I like my digital camera (Canon Ixus 265) but … while the take photo button is accessible with gloves on, the power button is recessed. It’s not particularly usable even with the light gloves on. So, you need to have exposed skin in order to turn the camera on. (Probably not really a problem, it’ll standby to save power and wake up again when you press button).

My fingers were numbed and losing dexterity in under 10 seconds in the below minus 10 C conditions and didn’t start reactivating until I was inside in the warm again. Cold be dangerous …

Meme picture. We're looking at a white cat with pointy pink ears, standing up and looking at the camera. They're on a chair, with more chairs in the background. The caption is "Do you have treats? Treats are my favourite"

Looking forward to the trip. There are excursions off the ship, which I’ll indulge in as much as my body lets me. (I’m fully expecting to be stiff as a board for a bit and to have the leg cramps continue). But when I get cold, I’ll be able to retreat inside and continue looking at what I’m expecting to be a very pretty world. Maybe even get sketching. We’ll see.

And I’ve been finding it to be a liberating feeling at work to be saying “I’ll be disappearing from the planet for a couple of weeks”. I think I’ve needed to do an escape like this for a long time now, after finding a taste with it with the cold weather trip (just before covid happened) and several other work away trips.

Should be good. And I’m hoping to be paying the snow pictures tax for people too :-D.

Picture. We're looking at the back of a silver white car. The glass at the back has a fairly thin covering of snow but you can see a smiley emote face drawn in it just below the brake lights.

I’ll hopefully get chance to get some posts out in the next couple of weeks. See you around, be good to people, have fun, be well.