The Fleet gathers a flagship

This is actually a build from a while ago (September !) but, somehow, pictures never happened.

I must correct this !

That’s not actually what was acquired. Although I wouldn’t mind putting that together. And to have the space to put it together. I’ve acquired more Lego tonight (of which there will be a tease later), which is the catalyst for this post. What is this new flagship of the fleet ?

It came in many bags. Oh and as per usual, click for bigger. These are actually full size from the phone camera ! Normally, I’ll post a pic to Facebook and download it from there as the easiest way of getting pictures off the phone. But actually connecting the phone up to the Macbook and copying to my desktop from there is easier.

The first bag had the keel, upon which all else is laid.

The distinctive shape of the hull emerges and the insides start to fill out.

This one is definitely an inside to out build. The control tower is taking shape there as well as a mechanism by which you can hang the finished ship when complete. If you are brave enough to have a few kilos of Lego hanging on a single hook.

A look at the insides from another angle. This is an exceptional kit by the way.

The insides are now completely fitted out. (And my phone camera starts to struggle with depth of field !)

Every space ship needs her engines.

The hull and armour starts to come together.

Can you tell what’s coming together yet ?

Can you tell what it is yet ? 😀 This is a First Order Star Destroyer from the new movies. Without giving the spoilers, it’s a bigger ship than the original Star Destroyers. I think it’s twice as long. But it still has that wonderful dagger like Star Destroyer profile which makes this one of the most iconic ships in sci fi for me.

Skipping forward a few, this is the completed flagship. It has the iconic control tower, it’s just not nearly as big as the control towers on previous Star Destroyers (it’s the different proportions).

And a better look at the box :

To reiterate, this was a wonderful Lego kit and I definitely enjoyed putting it together. Thoroughly recommended.

I mentioned a tease pic …

There may be another picture later. Not tonight though. I’m not going to put the article together tonight.