Thinning out

Been on my diet for a few months now.

Ok, it’s not a real “have a weird formula milkshake instead of sensible meals” diet and it doesn’t have any real theory to it except for applying a bit of moderation to what I consume. As in :

Only eat stuff when hungry
Munch in moderation
Avoid grazing
Not over indulging

Thinking of that : time to put tonight’s dinner on … Done ! Completely changing what I eat could quite quickly lead to problems anyway because I seem to be sensitive to things like cheese (and cucumber – makes me throw up)

It’s more discipline for continuing with munching what I used to but having less of it. Cookie packets are definitely lasting longer. Not had pizza for ages, although that’s partly due to Pizzahut stopping the offer that favours single people. Dominos might be getting another shot (requires a car trip, Pizzahut is in walking distance).

So yeah – cookie moderation instead of cookie monster.

How’s it been going ? People have been noticing me being a bit smaller …

The scales do not lie ! Or maybe they do because I doubt whether they’re in any way accurate any more.

I started at a little over 14 stone, which for my current build is probably 2 stone overweight. 12 stone is still heavy … but I’m allowing myself that because I have quite heavy legs that let me Run Very Fast. Or rather, they would if they didn’t have the ballast to tug around.

I’ve not lost tonnes of weight, that was never the intention. Losing weight too rapidly will cause you problems and it’s likely to go right back on again. The last time I had sick time off work (ages ago), I couldn’t eat for several days and probably lost a full stone over that time. The next week, that weight was right back on again. Starvation diets will do no long term good whatsoever. The plan has always been to enact a new discipline and lose the weight steadily.

So far the weight loss tally is 7-10 pounds. The variation there is because my weight will go up or down a couple of pounds within half a day. The minimum I’ve spotted so far is 13st2lbs this morning. Happy days.

What have I noticed with it so far ?

I have more energy … Dunno if this is the weight loss, the metabolism getting quicker or just Positive Mental Attitude … but I definitely have more energy. I’m having to watch myself due to hyperactivity. When I go hyper, I have to consciously check myself and what I do because I’ll miss stuff I should catch automatically. It’s not carelessness, it’s just moving on to the next thing before the check bit is done.

Brr. Cold. It’s turned colder over the past few days and I’m reaaaaallly feeling it. Must have less insulation, although you’d have thought the hyperactivity manicness would keep me warm.

I can dance … Not in the strut my stuff in a nightclub kind of way (I have 2 left feet) but the old agility and quickness of feet is returning. At my previous weight, I think I’d have run someone over a couple of times by now but managed to avoid the corridor collisions. And my legs were healthy enough on the walk to the car tonight to let me go Maximum Speed. That’s walking with a stride so long you’re in danger of splitting your trousers.

People are noticing … Did I say that already ?

Me being littler is being spotted. Ok, that’s the third time I’ve said that but I’m quite pleased that MiniMizingMe is noticeable.

I do need to figure out a balance though, as my salt/potassium balance is off. That tends to be quite crucial with me as if it’s off, I get cramps which tear up my muscles. But I think I’ll manage to figure it out before the summer’s cricket.

PS I promise not to take it too far and go anorexic. The first time someone says “You’re too thin ! Have a PIZZA”, I’ll come running.