Thursday Thirteen

Ok, not done one of these for quite a while so here goes :

Thirteen things about people …

1. Some people you love, some you adore, some you trust, some you hate.
2. We’re lucky to have the communication abilities that let us find friends.
3. Friends pick you up when you’re down and share in your successes.
4. People can do horrible things, I’m so glad that the terror plot of today did not end up in deaths. World 1 : Terrorists 0. Sure there’s been inconvenience but there’s been no martyrs. And that’s a sure sign that sanity has won.
5. People make you laugh or make you cry. Sometimes both, depending on the joke.
6. Friends let you talk things through. And we often need that.
7. A person can be very smart but crowds can be incredibly stupid. (Got that from Men In Black)
8. People can surprise you by doing wonderful things for you. Why should that be a surprise ?
9. Things are less fun when you’re on your own. Maybe that’s why I’m so addicted to an online game …
10. People are the reason for celebrations. I had 3 donuts today ! (Someone’s birthday)
11. People can be very cruel (pictures of the Middle East conflict just came over the telly).
12. People can cheat you, I think the garage where I took my car did stuff they didn’t need to, plus there’s a bit of money missing from the car. (I’ll get my own back by letting the work’s forums know)
13. Without a group of friends, there would be no place for love. And no love would mean this world would be a very empty and dull place.

[chuckle] This Thursday 13 partly inspired by the events on Guildlink earlier, where a couple of people have been thrown out because they complained very loudly over how our loot system works. Some unacceptable comments getting thrown around … We don’t need those people but they definitely need us.

However, it’s more inspired by me reading Craziequeen’s Thursday Thirteen and me thinking that she needs a hug. So if you read this (I know it’s not too many from my hit counter), then go to Craziequeen’s Blog (link on the right) and give her a BIGHUG! Because she deserves it and always will.