Been off work this week, I definitely needed a break from the office.
Thirteen Things about The Week Off
1…. Week off this week, definitely needed it I think. Easter is a very good excuse and time for getting away from work for a bit, it lets you get enough time to have a worthwhile relax period without using too much leave. 2…. Managed to avoid games a fair bit. However, I did really enjoy hitting the new World of Warcraft instanced dungeon with the Violence Reborn people last night. One of the best people I know was having a last thrash in the game last night and I was honoured to be wanted along by said angel. 3…. Watching cricket live from New Zealand does nasty things to the circadian rhythm. Watching England win at cricket is always worth it. The wins in New Zealand were definitely earned. 4…. Wished I had my microphone active last night, it would have let me join in with the laughing and joking that was coming over the Ventrilo voice communications. 5…. Waiting for Amazon to deliver sucks – it locks you in to the house as otherwise it’s a pain getting to the drop off place. 6…. Extended time off is a good time to catch up on things you’ve missed. House MD is an excellent series. Intensive watching could get you bored with anything, however 3 series in and House is definitely not boring. Lots of good stuff here. 7…. I never seem able to match up certain pairs of my socks together. Hey ! They look just the same 🙂 8…. You need to escape totally from work every once in a while, happily the only work I’ve thought about over the last week has surrounded what’s due to start on Sunday but I can’t actually talk about what’s happening Sunday cos work might get upset with me ;-). 9…. David Weber’s At All Costs has a very spectacular ending. Less games and a telly that’s developed an intermittent high pitched whine has led to me getting into the books heavily again. It’s The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks at the moment. 10.. For a cricket addict, I seem to have developed a distaste for watching West Indies and they’re supposed to be the most exciting to watch. Maybe 10/20 years ago but now there’s no doubt as to who will win. And it’s not West Indies. When the result’s no longer in doubt, my interest definitely scampers away. 11… My diet sucks 🙂 Biscuits, crackers and the occasional bowl of popcorn aren’t the most healthy thing around. Will have to visit the Chinese tonight 🙂 And get me some more supplies in. It’s biscuits and crackers because I haven’t been near a supermarket for over a week. 12… Atypically for a holiday period (and despite the provocation of that NZ vs England cricket!), my circadian rhythm seems to have remained intact. I usually slip into a 3/4am bedtime, 12noon waketime but I’m getting moving at the fairly sensible time of around 9am in the morning at the moment. 13… This house is in dire need of an attack by the vacuum cleaner !
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