Summer’s arrived over here …

Yep. Check out the thermometer.
That’s one of my fridge magnets, in the kitchen which is on the sun facing side of my house at this time of day. It won’t be that hot in my main room but according to my graphics card, it’s still about 6 degrees C above normal.
Toasty indeed !
Lots going on in the world again, after a few stories erupted over the social medias this weekend. I’m not going to go into those though, the stories of the people who have taken steps forward on social media are their stories, it’s not for me to retell them.
But … believe and support, that’s what we must do.
Our virus situation over here in the UK seems to be easing and the lockdown is steadily lifting. Part of me thinks that’s about a fortnight too early though. Lots of people are still getting the virus and loved ones are still being lost.
It’ll be good to head out for shops, wanders, chats with friends and doing cinemas again but a lot of me thinks it’s still a bit soon. I have been seeing the sights in other ways though … but I’ll get to the internet spaceships later.
I’ve been enjoying a new toy/tool. It’s called Clip Studio, it was recommended by the lovely Tashnarr (see link in right hand column) and it’s another drawing package. I seemed to get on with it far better than I do with Gimp (this one feels like it wants to fight you) and Corel Painter Essentials (this one made it awkward to do revisions). Clip Studio made it super easy to produce a reasonably complicated message for someone’s birthday on Monday (happy birthday again!) and I’ve since embarked on a crusade to make a Dwagon Alphabet. More on that in a later post. It’s a bit toasty at the moment to make an L dwagon, which is the letter I need to make a Sleepy. (need a few more too)
Internet spaceships ?

The travels at the weekend took me to a black hole … (As always, click for bigger)

I’m a bit away from the Core now, so there aren’t quite as many spectacular stars around unless …

You find just the right angle … That”s the nebula seen through the black hole.

I did a bit more circling … until the galaxy ribbon was lined up.

And looking backwards towards the black hole. It wasn’t just black holes though …

Shiny planets !

More volcanoes.

Mysterious satellites …

Are we allowed here ?

I investigated a group of 4 abandoned planetary outposts …

With treasure ! I do like how the galactic ribbon is shooting out of that promontory in the background too. Like a Space Cannon.

It’ll be good to have a look around these places when the upcoming (next year) walk on planets expansion is released.

Time to move on though. I docked up at one of the fleet carriers overnight (and accidentally repaired the paint – oops !)

Today’s short session saw me checking out the Goliath moonlet …

And landing for the night on the David moonlet. This is a pair of moons with very tall mountains … I’ll have to see if I can get a pic closer to the horizon in my next session so that the gas giant comes out a bit more from behind the two mountains in the distance.
That’s it for this week though. Bit bad to leave it over a week between postings … I got back into the Idle Champions game which I think was having an effect on my mental condition. Brain was thinking more about strategies in that game instead of looking at the more fun creativity. I’ve put it away again now …
Stay safe everyone, be well. Support your friends when they need it.