Before I dive into the main post, wanting to say something about a colleague. She was involved in a car accident yesterday and is in hospital at the moment … Fingers crossed she comes through ok. She’s a lovely lady, hopefully we’ll see her again very soon.
Top 40 ! Since iTunes arrived, I pick out my music by looking at what’s the longest since played and least amount played. With a library of over 4000 tracks, this gets me cycling through the collection fairly well. But … because I’ve added music over several years, the tunes which have been in there since the start have an unfair advantage in the Most Played list. Also, cos they’ve been played a lot they don’t tend to get added in again as random picks.
So I’m thinking of doing a reset so I listen to some of the older amazing tracks more. Bit more time to come before I do that though, as I have a new Cardigans album to play through. What have I listened to most pre reset ?
Top 40 Part 1 : 40 to 31. (Reverse order is kinda traditional !)
(and all the links are to Youtube or a lyrics site)
40 : Rainy Days and Mondays by The Carpenters. Hopefully today won’t be a rainy day as I’m using some well earned flexi time credit to watch the cricket.
39 : Another classic : Yesterday by the Beatles. By the amount of stuff to do at work, sometimes we wish for Yesterday so we have the time to do it all.
38 : Brainstorm by Alisha’s Attic. No Youtube link cos this is a b-side I have pretty much everything Alisha’s Attic ever released and there’s some cracking tracks out there which never reached albums. “You’re captured by me not her” – definitely when listening to the Poole sisters
37 : Night of the Swallow by Kate Bush. This one is a track off The Dreaming that really shows off Kate’s voice.
36 : Milk by Garbage. This one closes out their first album. My impression of an album tends to be dominated by how it finishes and this one is an excellent “take me home” track.
35 : St Swithin’s Day by Dubstar. It’s a shame that the only thing in my Top 40 for Dubstar is a cover version but they really break the cover version pattern by doing an excellent job of it. I’ll put another Dubstar track or two in a Not Top 40 bit
34 : Edie Brickell +1 with Like I Do Now. This one comes off the Edie Brickell Ultimate Collection (more later!) which isn’t just a re-release of the best tracks off the albums, it brings a few rare tracks in too. This is one of the better.
33 : Eternal Flame by the Bangles. Am I only dreaming ? Feel like it listening to these girls
32 : Hide Child by All About Eve. This is another in the close out of album category, this time it’s All About Eve’s Touched By Jesus. Beautiful, beautiful (and haunting) song. “Hide Child, who can I be looking for …” (lyrics link)
Finally for today,
31 : Little Shotgun by Alisha’s Attic. Another B-side, chilled out sounding until you listen to the words …
I’ve listened to these tracks over and over in past years, never get tired of them. But … there’s a few more out there which I haven’t had as long, here’s a few that won’t appear in the Top 40 simply because I’ve not had them long enough :
03.45 am No Sleep by the Cardigans. Listened to this one again and it stopped me in my Warcraft grinding tracks. Tracks this good force you to pay attention.
What’s a Girl To Do by Bat For Lashes. Babe, Bunnies, Bikes, need I say more ? (This track got my sister and me hooked)
Finally, here’s hoping for a Future Love Paradise.
More in a week or so