Valentine’s message

After saying what I thought of the commercial side of 14th Feb (and threatened soppy music), here we go.

To my readers : I love you all !

That goes for the regulars (you know who you are !), the occasionals, the ones I have to cajole into having a look and all the random people who come here via “Next Blog” or google searches. Every hit logged makes me smile, especially those who know I have a Wall Of Text tendency yet still come back for more 🙂

On to the music – soppy stuff in a semi-random order :

Let’s Do It (Fall In Love) sung by that total legend, Ella Fitzgerald. Who’s not singing along to that classic yet ?

Only Exception by Paramore. Quite possibly my favourite from all they’ve come out with so far. Another one I can sing along to ! And Hayley looks adorable in that video.

Valentine by T’Pau. Carol Decker and co were due for far more than just the 2 albums …

Eyes Closed by Lene Marlin. Talking of putting out albums … Lene Marlin has 4 out there already and I’m hoping for many more from this Norwegian lady with a fantastic voice. (that just happens to use a range I can harmonise with !)

Your Song from Moulin Rouge, sung by Ewan MacGregor. Need to watch that movie some time …

Oh Boy by Duffy. Wow. And this didn’t make the main album ?

Under Your Spell from the Buffy musical episode. Total magic. This scene is probably the highlight from the entire 7 series of Buffy.

Almond Tree by Hannah Peel. If you watch any of the videos here, watch this one. She’s special. (Ok, maybe not strictly valentines theme but I adore her style)

Beautiful One by the Cardigans. This is from their early cute phase before their music got somewhat darker. Same enchanting Swedish voice (another I can sing along to!).

Incidentals by Alisha’s Attic. Oh if I had a pound for every time I’d linked this stunner, I’d be able to afford my lunch tomorrow. Ok, dinner too and pizza on Thursday.

That’s it for today 🙂 Hope you all enjoy what you’ve been getting up to today.