Wednesday randoming

More random thoughts today !

I need to find some coherent themes for posts again. I’ve been struggling to find stuff to write about ! Also not drawn in a week either.

What’s been happening ?

Work’s been very busy, with me having good excuses to do some runs in the car to get to away trips. They’ve been mixed. Two trials were excellent, one was … mixed feelings and then there was a safety meeting. No one really likes safety meetings, although the alternative to not doing safety right is to have things happen with your kit like what’s been happening with Boeing’s 737 Max airliners lately. Nobody wants lives lost due to safety negligence to be on their conscience. I definitely don’t.

Oh eck, that was a bit of seriousness creeping in.

I help to support and test equipment that other people have to use later. I like to think that my efforts prevent other people from getting broken.

But yeah, getting out and about with work again has been great and the tiredness from long days (I’m 27 hours in credit on the flexi !) is being balanced from learning a huge amount on those away trips. Yep, I get a kick out of seeing what we deliver being used as we wanted it to be used and we deal with some quite unique exotic equipment.

Of course, that’s led to home time being either recovery from those long days out or concentrated chill out time. But …

Skyrim seems to have broken on me again. I run with a lot of diverse mods and the mods have either broken or stopped talking to each other … Oh well. This one is an odd one … Saturday was spent removing and reinstalling mods to try and fix it and I tried a reinstall of the game tonight, it’s more stable but those mods are talking to each other even less now. Ho hum.

Computers are weird. I actually observed one issue on the trial yesterday that could be closely related to why my home networking doesn’t work quite as intended here. Windows was never the most reliable thing.

Music wise and getting through the library, I’m approaching 3/4 through the library now. Only 4,745 songs (11.5 days) to go before I’ve listened to it all again. Getting there. The current album is Dreams, the greatest songs collection from the Cranberries. It’s a great album to listen to.

Back to that networking, I may have to get a new wifi router. I keep having to reset mine to keep things talking. I also got an email from my ISP saying that they’d changed the software on my cable modem. Without telling me. It’s supposedly doing more wifi tricks now, which I have specifically disabled because I don’t want the neighbours to be stealing my bandwidth via Virgin Media sharing my connection without my explicit consent. (The VM cable modem router is also really bad at rejecting interference of which there is apparently significant amounts around here)

Car’s doing great. And I have a suspicion that the last one had a broken power steering pump. The steering is much more fluid and smooth than in the last car. Oh and the front end has had suspension improvements too and lets you attack the corners with more confidence.

I’ve been losing days to Battletech as well. I’ve been rather enjoying playing that again, although I’ve hit that phase in the game where it gets pretty brutal. Bigger mechs appear with more weapons and it’s more likely that arms and legs get blown off your own people’s mechs.

Media ? I’m avoiding paying too much attention to the news because all of it just confirms what we’ve known for years. The people making the decisions in this country are utterly incompetent and self interested.

I’ve been really enjoying Star Trek Discovery again. The scriptwriters have been doing an amazing job of creating an exciting series with great characters where you have no idea what’s coming next. They’re borrowing ideas from old Trek, which is fair enough too and gives them scope for going straight to story with little introduction.

Ooo – feeling tired again now. I’ve given up on troubleshooting Skyrim for now, I’m probably missing something or missed reinstalling the mods correctly. It’s weird.

It’s videos at the moment with a HeyChrissa stream going on the laptop, music going to the hifi and game video catch up on desktop. I may pick up Embers of War again soon for more reading.

Last bit – odd phone stuff …

I picked up another charging lead on Monday so I could charge the phone in the car and … my original charging lead starts getting rejected by the phone with the claim “Stuff is moist, wait for it to dry out.” Very weird. It was fine to connect in the car yesterday although there’s weirdness with something called Mirrorlink. That’s supposed to allow the phone display to clone to the car display but … it just succeeds in locking out the phone and I can’t get anything on the car screen yet.

Need to disable that I think.

Closing out – tired definitely, needing some recovery time, definitely feeling burned out on the internet. But work has been having its moments and I’m taking the chance for some time off before Easter which should get me back to feeling good again. Outsides are definitely much closer to being fixed, although those last few bits to heal are frustrating.

PS Captain Marvel was a fun film to watch. Recommended !