Well that was more dramatic than expected …

This weekend saw me heading off to see the mum & dad again.

Birthday weekend !

It’s my birthday on the 13th and my sister’s on the 15th. So while we all live 100s of miles apart, we make the special effort to gather together on a weekend convenient to the birthdays. We don’t buy stuff for each other any more. We find the gift of being together to be far more significant than present buying.

Present buying is really stressful isn’t it ?

There’s the finding out what people want.
There’s the acquisition of it.
There’s hoping it’s what they really, really want.
And there’s the getting it to the right place.

That said, I still do love getting things for people. It gets them smiling, which is the biggest thank you anyone could wish for. Hmm. Is it ? Hugs are better. But I’ll settle for smiles.

But this weekend took a rather dramatic turn …

We’d headed out to a local pub/restuarant for birthday munchies. There was a kerb … It shouldn’t have been there, it was between car park and pub. It was just a kerb in the middle of the road/path between car park and pub. I tripped on it but managed to catch myself before toppling. My dad … didn’t.

Result – a sideways roll to the floor, narrowly missing bumping his head on the wall behind. Thankfully that didn’t happen (head injuries are hellishly dangerous, I should know, I’ve had 3 !) but the damage was done on the way down. He has a broken hip which has been operated on this afternoon.

I don’t know the results of that yet but my dad is a fairly active guy. He doesn’t get the chance to go golfing any more and they’re moving because there’s too much garden to manage but he still takes the muttley walking several times a day so that keeps his legs in good shape. He’s probably in better condition than me to be honest, that’s a sign of how inactive I’ve been.

So we’re hoping that when he comes out of the surgery, it won’t take too long before he’s back on his feet.

I hope Skye understands that I’ll be anxious for news when we meet tomorrow but I’ll try to not let it interfere with the evening. Hopefully she’ll let me buy her dinner 🙂 I’m quite nervous and anxious and that first first date for way too long but at the same time, really looking forward to it. I hope we end up talking into the small hours.

Wish me luck. But more important, wish my dad luck.

He needs it far more than me. Hopefully it’s an easy surgery with no complications for the recovery.

PS I’m still thinking of going to Comic Con next weekend in Birmingham and there should be space in the car for one … The other two (maybe 3) spots are booked already ;-). Dunno which day though.