Where’s all the Pink Hats ?

Ok, so Friday I mentioned a potential project for this summer

The idea was born from a conversation with a very dear friend, with me remembering a colleague from a couple of years ago. Combine that with the controversy surrounding Karen Handel, formerly of the Susan G. Komen group and you get me thinking I could do a little more than just contributing to charities. I could be the focus for a bit of money raising.

There’s a bit more to it as well. I probably have just one or two seasons of cricket left in me. Actually, with the state of my shoulder and a couple of other long term injury issues, I probably should have called it quits on cricket already.

But … I like running around at daft speeds chasing and pouncing on balls. Maybe I’m part kitten ?

Hey ! I’m strange and am not afraid to admit it.

It’s a curious feeling, this project. On Friday, it was just an embryonic idea that had the barest possibility of happening (me playing cricket this summer depends on my legs supporting it). But … that seed of an idea has taken root and it’s growing into a case of :

“So it depends on my leg getting better and the rest of my injuries cooperating ? Sod that, I’ll play anyway.”. If I tear stuff up again, there’s plenty of time after the season for it to heal.

And it’s similar for those other long term injuries. With the weight loss, I’m getting back my agility from a number of years ago. I have the same power available in my legs, it just has less weight to shift. That’s awesome all round. As well as being more nimble, there’s less stress on my legs.

In 3 months I’ve lost enough off my middle to do the belt up 2 notches tighter. Although one of my Facebook updates today is : “And just because you can put the belt one notch tighter, doesn’t mean you should.” I.e. Sleepypete becomes SqueakyPete.

I have a feeling there’s a bit of Positive Mental Attitude coming in there though. Bit like having a cause to fight for. Or maybe a few causes as I’m looking out for a couple of people right now. Or maybe I’m just pleased at the prospect of having some of the old bounce back.

So – that potential embryo idea of “I could do this” is turning more into a “I want to do this”. There’s a few details to look into though :

Which charity – think I’ll ask for advice from the girls at work for this one and go with what they say
(always follow the advice of women – it’s much safer that way and it makes them happy)
Getting Pink Stuff
(no suitable pink hats in the Mall shops or online)
Getting ready for the season
(I really need to stop relying on natural fitness)
And sorting out the donation thing
(Probably via www.justgiving.com)

And there’s that aspect of time running out. If I do something like this, I need to do it either this year or next. I’m getting too old now for running around cricket fields at daft speeds. The old injuries are making their presence felt more and the new ones are taking longer to go away.

As to the why … I like helping people out. I live for it. And this attaches “helping people out” to me having fun. Plus there’s the biggest reason why I like helping people out : Because I can :-).

PS Actually, now I think more about it, I think I’d do it 50:50. 50 for breast cancer for the colleague from a few years ago and 50 for Help For Heroes.