Worst … films … Ever !


One thing people won’t tell you about Skyfall is the truly excessive amount of advertising (and trailers) that we were subjected to before the film started. During those … Bionicdwarf, Cyberkitten and I were talking Worst Films Ever. Not quite sure which trailer or advert started us off on that to be honest but we knew a good idea for a blog post when we saw it.

So here goes … Films that were so Bad they should never have been made. But seeing as they were, all copies need to be gathered up and cremated for the good of humanity.

Firstly – Anything. ANYTHING that Uwe Boll had a hand in.

He’s a German film individual that goes from game to game, turning good games into incredibly bad films. They truly have to be seen to believe how bad they are. Although I wouldn’t wish seeing an Uwe Boll film on anyone. That said, Bloodrayne wasn’t too bad although Bloodrayne 2 was a horrible mess without the any of attributes that made the first watchable.

Star Trek Nemesis. Star Trek was still going before this film came out. Voyager was still running and Enterprise was just starting to look promising. However. Nemesis came out, with an awful script that had all humour removed. The humour was there (it was in the book) but all trace of it was surgically removed from the theatrical presentation. Nemesis killed Trek so bady that they had to start up the franchise in an alternate reality.

Anything “mockbuster”. You know what these are … It’s where they take a successful film and remake it with a subtly different name. Battle Of Los Angeles (i.e. not Battle: Los Angeles) is one of these but there’s been others made, including the Terminators, Transmorphers, Transformers and a few others. Watch for them, avoid them. FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR SANITY !!!!!


What’s next ? Starship Troopers 2. The first and third Starship Troopers films are fairly ok. They’re very watchable, although they take the original Heinlein book into an extremely right wing direction. Must watch the animated series again, shame they didn’t get the chance to finish it. However, I shall definitely not watch Starship Troopers 2 again.

Twilight. Ok, this wasn’t actually too bad but as a vampire movie fan, I should have been wanting to watch the rest. Must be something about Kristen Stewart. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone as good looking be so unwatchable.

Snow White & The Huntsman. Not too bad a film, just not nearly as entertaining as Mirror Mirror and it suffers from the Kristen Stewart effect.

Total Recall (the new one). Another in a long line of films that are very well made but … WHY ? Why remake a B-movie, with the only script inspiration being to take away the Mars aspect ? The original made more sense. There was no real need to redo this one.

Limitless. Again, well made movie, I just really didn’t like the Drugs Make Winners message.

I think that’s enough for now. Last one – Mars Attacks. However, this one while it was bad, was so hilarious with it that I feel I need to watch it again soon 🙂

PS Healthcheck. Think I’m improving. Ear’s not so bad and I think I’m steadily getting my arms back. Skin feels good too 🙂 Fingers crossed – I’ll be able to wear long sleeves again by the end of this week.